Recent content by CriticalGaming

  1. CriticalGaming

    General Gaming News.

    I'm looking forward to playing the DQ 1-2 remaster.
  2. CriticalGaming

    Let's Play all the Resident Evil Games!

    Resident Evil 3. So funny thing about this game. As a kid who was a fan of the series since the first game, I was eager to get my hands on RE3 when it came out. I saved up money from allowances to go buy the game. Along with the game i bought the guide because Gamestop had a deal that you got...
  3. CriticalGaming

    General Gaming News.

  4. CriticalGaming

    General Gaming News.

    Then why even bother?
  5. CriticalGaming

    Let's Play all the Resident Evil Games!

    I was at a wedding this weekend, so i was unable to play. I have it queued up and should have my thoughts published on here sometime this week. RE3 is, I think, the shortest game in the series so I think I can bang it out in a night or two.
  6. CriticalGaming

    The Thread where I air my grievances with the Assassins' Creed series SPOILERS EVERYWHERE

    Well the alternative history isn't a problem but the devs came out and bragged about how much they paid attention to and respected the history. So like if you are going to brag about being respectful to the history....then people are gonna point out the disrespect.
  7. CriticalGaming

    The Thread where I air my grievances with the Assassins' Creed series SPOILERS EVERYWHERE

    The Yasuke black samurai dude hooks up with Nobunaga's daughter in the game, a women who's linage contains like 20 emperors. And Ubisoft dares comes out to brag about how much they cared about Japanese history and culture. It seems they didn't give a flying fuck about any of that and just wanted...
  8. CriticalGaming

    Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Full Review (spoilers)

    This is part of the reason why I praise Rebirth so much. Like nevermind the FF7 aspects of it. The sheer content in the game, the way it continues to unlock more and more shit even when you think it's done with it, the way they make everything tie together so that no matter what you are doing...
  9. CriticalGaming

    Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Full Review (spoilers)

    Bro if you find a really cool Tifa thing....please please please let me know. DM me, we can work something out.
  10. CriticalGaming

    General Gaming News.

    Wrong thread. But I'm watching you lol.
  11. CriticalGaming

    General Gaming News.

    Bro you should see DSP's 200k WWE Champions mobile account. :D
  12. CriticalGaming

    General Gaming News.

    Henry Cavlli is a nerd hero. Hollywood should put him in charge of anything nerdy they wanna make.
  13. CriticalGaming

    Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Full Review (spoilers)

    DO IT! This is the part i was warning about. Character mechanics are not nearly as important as figuring out the materia system. Cait Sith is one of the best characters for crowd control. With the right materia he can freeze the enemies (even bosses) for the entire fight. Imagine fighting...
  14. CriticalGaming

    Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Full Review (spoilers)

    Well it might not be exclusive, Square isn't happy with exclusives at the moment.