Recent content by d_wing

  1. d_wing

    What languages do you speak?

    Portuguese, Spanish, French and English... Too bad German is where its at now :s
  2. d_wing

    Under rated games you play?

    I would have to say the most recent Driver San Francisco. Silly chases, great graphics, superb and varied handling (before you know it you'll be bending corners like beckham), the current-day incarnation of an 80's police movie.
  3. d_wing

    Greatest Game Opening EVER!!!!

    I see! Thank you very much, kind sir!
  4. d_wing

    Greatest Game Opening EVER!!!!

    This, I can still remember the state of awe seeing this intro induced in me when I started the game for the first time. This one is almost as epic, though EDIT: can anyone explain why the thumbnails for the videos I posted don't show?
  5. d_wing

    Mature Games That Cater to Adults

    I´d have to say the way The Witcher 2 portrays nudity is rather tasteful, and the cursing doesn't come off as gratuitous, but rather further authenticates the feeling of immersion. PS: First post ever on the Escapist! Been lurking for a while, community seems off da sizzle!! (I'm from a...