Recent content by Darkdreams

  1. Darkdreams

    The Escapist Wants to Celebrate the Holidays With You!

    Self aware code.... skynet is comming.... *shivers* Merry x-mas everyone ^.^
  2. Darkdreams

    Guitar Hero: Rock Opera

    Now thats a new thinking game that if made well.. would be awsome... id play it in a heartbeat.
  3. Darkdreams

    You ever liked a game that Yahtzee didn't?

    Lots of times. but i still love watching his show. iv got a mind and can think for myself so i take advice and try the game if i wants to ^.^
  4. Darkdreams

    Clearing up misconceptions about your country!

    And we do not all walk around naked with polarbears n the streets ^^
  5. Darkdreams

    Game Review: World of Warcraft.

    ok...either im having one of those wierd as moments where im psykik or im having a deja vu.. because i can swear iv read this exact review sometime before in a land far away... im not accusing you of anything.. but when i read it i realy knew i had red the exact same text before.. edit...
  6. Darkdreams

    Favorite movie and/or game gun ?

    Mine would have to be: Movie - The "cock" gun from "From Dusk till Dawn" just watching the movie on tv now as a "look how many crappy horror movies we have made that no one rents or buys anymore or ever for that matter so now we show it to you on tv cause we know you are bored and there is...
  7. Darkdreams

    Poll: Do you plan on having children?

    No. never nu uh not gonna happen.. why ? Simple. i hate humans... why make more when there is to manny already.. apperantly i have been telling my parents that i wasnt going to have children from the age of 5... yes i was bullied as a child ^^
  8. Darkdreams

    EA Rickrolls Yahtzee

  9. Darkdreams

    EA Rickrolls Yahtzee

    God i cant wait to watch that one *biggest grin ever*
  10. Darkdreams

    What is/are your pet(s) names and why?

    I have a tiny white cat thats named Guess. Just because its so much fun to answer the question you always get when new people come to visit.. Visitor: "Ooo. a kitty, what is her name?" Me: "Guess" Visitor: "umm i dont know.. snowball ? fluffy ?" Me: "No... guess..." Visitor getting slightly...