Recent content by Dashiva

  1. Dashiva

    Skyrim - Legendary Dragon

    Ok, I'm sick to shit of this achievement. Only one I don't have, and I've looked EVERYWHERE for the bloody thing. I'm level 70, which I've heard is where you need to be to see it. Can anyone offer assistance for this? Is there something I ain't doing?
  2. Dashiva

    The Latest Album You've Bought?

    Metric's "Synthetica". Freakin' awesome Canadian indie-synth-rock.
  3. Dashiva

    Dear Escapist: Board looks even uglier. Please fix.

    Dear Escapist, Your forum is without a doubt one of the cleanest, easily-navigable I've ever been on. Thank you for the continued efforts to improve it :-) OP: You got a problem, go check out another forum.
  4. Dashiva

    What purchase have you regretted?

    Don't worry - I nearly bought it too, since, despite 13's abysmal everything, I love FF muchly. I was prepped to purchase 13-2 on the basis that a number of my friends played it and said it was superior in every way. Then I played a few hours on a friend's console. Those "friend"...
  5. Dashiva

    What purchase have you regretted?

    Final Fantasy XIII. Not worth the 5-Maccas-meals-worth of cash I paid for it.
  6. Dashiva

    Questions regarding Baldur's Gate

    They just don't make PC top-down games like this anymore...engaging story, great NPCs, and actual difficulty that's satisfying to overcome. Marvelous stuff.
  7. Dashiva

    That one game you want to be announced.

    Another Deus Ex game, preferably set just after Human Rev. If we're talking classics, wouldn't mind System Shock 3. And no, Dead Space does not do the trick as a substitute.
  8. Dashiva

    Which comic book hero would you get rid of?

    I absolutely love him in Justice League - the bit where he takes on Darkseid's minions with a shark after Hal chews him out for being useless was freakin' awesome. Bad. Ass.
  9. Dashiva

    Which comic book hero would you get rid of?

    Well I haven't read it, but word is Johns is putting more effort into Aquaman than he is GL these days. It's meant to be a damn good story that does away with the "Super Friends"-era persona. Plus, he wasn't bad in Brightest Day.
  10. Dashiva

    Which comic book hero would you get rid of?

    Have you had a chance to read Johns' current Aquaman stuff? I've heard he does his damndest to get away from the crappy persona he's associated with usually.
  11. Dashiva

    The Afterlife and You!

    My idea is the afterlife is full of the people I hated in high school and my previous jobs, so I can spend eternity kicking the shit out of them.
  12. Dashiva

    Which comic book hero would you get rid of?

    Agreed. Plus there was that period where he replaced Daredevil. Total bollocks. I heard somewhere Marvel were thinking of a movie for him, but it sounds like a long shot. He's just not loved enough.
  13. Dashiva


    Sounds like you're taking a Yahtzee approach to movies.
  14. Dashiva

    Pick up any kind of book and turn to page 45

    Sentence: "'That's exactly what you think it is,' a calm voice said." Book: "Altered Carbon" - Richard K. Morgan Description: Um...bow chicka bow wow?
  15. Dashiva

    Which comic book hero would you get rid of?

    Trust me, I've read Superman's stuff and even I'd say that. He's a boring, mostly-invincible hero. Give us someone with flaws and struggles that are actually interesting and slightly relatable. Totally agree about the X-Men - AvX just feels like an event partly motivated by not really knowing...