Recent content by Daveeo

  1. Daveeo

    What is the oldest game you still play?

    ohhh that one i remember! used to spend so many hours at my friends house with claw :D
  2. Daveeo

    Have you ever been accused of hacking?

    Lots of times, mainly in WoW and Mw2.
  3. Daveeo

    Games you finished in one sitting

    MoH:airborne codmw1/2 SP portal 1, portal 2 Co-op might be some more, but i can´t remember any except these.
  4. Daveeo

    Obscure And Strange Animals...

    Don´t know if it counts as an animal, but its quite strange anyway. The tounge eating louse.
  5. Daveeo

    What is your current PC wallpaper?

    Link is allways awesome :D
  6. Daveeo

    Video Game themed Drinking Games?

    omg this seems really fun! gotta try it :)
  7. Daveeo

    What is your Motto?

    No Taxes is Good Taxes That's My Motto! And now to see if anyone remember which game this motto is taken from :) No but i dont hane a motto at all!
  8. Daveeo

    Games that NEED a Sequel

    I would really like to se a sequel to mirrors edge!
  9. Daveeo

    Your most hated game enemy? Boss or other...

    Cazador from Fallout:NV. So goddamn annoying!
  10. Daveeo

    Games that have aged incredibly well.

    Max payne still looks and feels awesome!
  11. Daveeo

    Poll: Would anyone pay for Call of Duty if it had a subscription model?

    Maybe, everything depends on the content,updates and so on. But i believe they would have to change the the game abit for a subscription fee to be in order.
  12. Daveeo

    Favorite Weapon from Fallout (series)?

    Now i feel bad.. didnt even know there was a M1 Garand in the game. That rifle is just pure win.
  13. Daveeo

    Across all genres, which is your favorite World War II game?

    This and the early cod games. I have also wasted countless of hours on MohAA.
  14. Daveeo

    Favourite reload animation

    Call of duty 2 Lee enfield.. nothing beats the bolt-action!
  15. Daveeo

    You are immortal.

    I am not invulnerable, but i cannot die? woot? No but i guess i would throw myself down from a skyscape or something. Just for the heck of it.