Recent content by DeadRise17

  1. DeadRise17

    The stars are right... for another superpower lottery thread!

    Clay Transmutation [] Anyone who opposed the supervillian would be turned into clay. The people of the world would be made to live in primitive clay houses while an army of potters do his evil bidding.
  2. DeadRise17

    Has video game streaming/Lets plays become a cash grab?

    This thread came up at a perfect time because there is a guy I know at school who wants to drop out and make money like this. Unfortunately, I am too polite and cowardly to just tell him his smug attitude and nasally voice won't make him all that successful.
  3. DeadRise17

    Alternate history scenarios you've never seen that would be interesting to explore

    1. To continue a Rome theme, if they had traveled to the New World and conquered some peoples, then lost contact with the fall of Rome. Colombus, Cortes, Pizzaro etc would have arrived and found a highly disciplined and militarized opposition. 2. What if trade had been more important than...
  4. DeadRise17

    What are you playing right now?

    Just finished playing a short Holy Roman Empire campaign on Medieval 2: Total War and left wondering whether to start a long campaign or play one of the expansions.
  5. DeadRise17

    People who've never taken alcohol or drugs

    Still underage in my country so no alcohol, though not looking forward to drinking as my family are notorious light-weights with booze. Been offered weed a few times, but declined because I was well informed of the dangers of drugs and my parents have (jokingly) threatened to kick me out of...
  6. DeadRise17

    The Colosseum

    The great Colosseum would be used for the first round of the Triwizard Tournament. Dragon fighting...that is all.
  7. DeadRise17

    Poll: What type of a movie watcher are you?

    Average. I barely watch films unless with friends/family and almost always at a movie theater. I just don't get watching films at home.
  8. DeadRise17

    Poll: Can you attack yourself?

    I'm pretty sure past/present/future Me would give myself their money because I have difficulties remembering what I look like. Past/Present/Future Me would think they're being mugged by a short, fat, white guy.
  9. DeadRise17

    Will there ever be another World War?

    I remember reading somewhere that humans are no less likely to start a war than we ever have been, but we no longer have large enough militaries to go to full scale war and lack the reserves in troops and equipment to support a war after it has started. North Korea, one of the most militarised...
  10. DeadRise17

    Author Tom Clancy Passes Away

    Well... thanks for spoiling the ending, Tom.
  11. DeadRise17

    Boy Brings Gun To School, Father Blames Minecraft

    Oh God! I have been predicting this for years. They have finally run out of violent games/franchises to blame and have blamed something that has no violent qualities (the best MineCraft does is teach you self-defense and how to stop suicide bombers). Even the name 'MineCraft' should tell you this.
  12. DeadRise17

    Grand Theft Auto V Torture Scene Causes Uproar

    I'm at the point where I think Rockstar puts more violence into each game, just so people whine about it and GTA gets free marketing. Great game still.
  13. DeadRise17

    What's the most boring book you've ever read?

    The Redwall series. My friends kept suggesting it to me for ... reasons. And it has its charm, but I just found it dull and repetitive at points.
  14. DeadRise17

    Poll: Why the Hell would you buy the new Pokemon game?

    I missed the last Pokemon gen (Black and White) so I think I will have a lot more fun with the new Pokemon. And it'll give a reason to use my 3DS's 3D feature.
  15. DeadRise17

    Would you support a cure for homosexuality and transexualism?

    Even if it was an abnormality (which it isn't. Over 400 species practice homosexuality) it shouldn't be changed. Changing a person's sexual preferences is no better than brainwashing.