Recent content by dhvl2712

  1. D

    Screw you Ubisoft, screw you!

    Call of Duty only has Steam as DRM by the way. If you pirate it, you still get the Full SP and also Spec Ops depending on where you get it from. Just saying...
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    Holiday/Birthday Buying Help?

    I don't know about MMOs, I've never played any except a little bit of Ragnarok Online so I'm not quite sure if I'll like it. It's just completely alien territory for me. But Fallout 3 seems like a good idea. I've been interested in it for a while but never actually found a copy. But even New...
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    Holiday/Birthday Buying Help?

    My Birthday's next week and I'm in the market for a good Xbox360 game. I already have Dark Souls and MW3 and love the shit out of them. But I do have my eye on Skryim, although it doesn't look promising because of it's lack of story and good combat. But I'm also considering Halo: CE anniversary...
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    The Big Picture: If the Oscars Were the VGAs

    You know this better than anyone that the Oscars aren't taken seriously by the audience or directors like Nolan, Scorcese, Tarantino, Spielberg, or any of those people. Citizen Kane, Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, INCEPTION, Toy Story 3, UP, all lost out to Oscarbait. And these movies...