Recent content by Dr_Horrible

  1. Dr_Horrible

    Can you beat him? Akinator Web game

    Nice, I almost got him with Hiro Protagonist.
  2. Dr_Horrible

    Escape to the Movies: The Amazing Spider-Man

    Wow, I understand some of where Bob is coming from, but... that's a lot of rage. I saw the midnight premiere of this movie (not because I was hyped for the movie, but because I wanted to hang out with some friends), and I liked it somewhat. I mean, most recent superhero movies have been...
  3. Dr_Horrible

    Let's Play Fallout: New Vegas [The Servant]

    I actually liked Mr. House quite a bit. He is a dick, but he's interesting and seems, at first, to be the best choice for Vegas. I still feel kind of bad every time I kill him.
  4. Dr_Horrible

    Half-Life Barnacle Ceiling Lamp is the Best Worst Decor Ever

    I would only feel comfortable waking up to this if I had some HEV pajamas and a handy crowbar... Still, I want one.
  5. Dr_Horrible

    LoadingReadyRun: Sh*t People Say

    Judging by the wording, I'm guessing (hoping) that this was a Dorkness Rising reference? Great video, as usual!
  6. Dr_Horrible

    CBS Investigates New Sherlock Holmes TV Show

    Why would we need another version when Sherlock is the best thing I've seen on TV in at least two years? I see this failing, and failing hard.
  7. Dr_Horrible

    Let's Play Fallout: New Vegas [The Servant]

    Yeah, my favorite thing about New Vegas is that it takes Fallout 3's mechanics and makes a 'true' Fallout reboot with it. I never got very far in either of the original games, because I suck at them, but I love them anyway.
  8. Dr_Horrible

    Let's Play Fallout: New Vegas [The Servant]

    Throw my vote behind the Weathered 10mm, and either the lightweight leather armor or the armored vault suit.
  9. Dr_Horrible

    $2.50 Reviews: Drive Angry (2011)

    Great review today! I actually quite liked this movie personally, and this is from someone who generally hates brainless action like this. I found that the plot, while formulaic and incredibly silly, was competently executed, the action scenes fairly inventive, and Nicolas Cage very... Nicolas...
  10. Dr_Horrible

    Skyrim Fans Uncover Insectoid Conspiracy

    It's true that FMA wasn't the first user of the term, but the theory is a direct reference to Fullmetal Alchemist, and was directly taken from the overarching plot of the series. The joke is that it based on FMA.
  11. Dr_Horrible

    Let's Play: Pokemon Ruby Post Game 4: In which we face off against evil

    I've always been a fan of Anorith, personally.
  12. Dr_Horrible

    Poll: About the F-word...

    Personally, I don't give a fuck (Sorry! Had to) about swearing provided it's not used to verbally assault someone.
  13. Dr_Horrible

    2011 Holiday Buyer's Guide

    Well, shit. I need that C64 reproduction now. It is not a want, it is a NEED.
  14. Dr_Horrible

    Kinect for Windows Can See You Up Close

    Kinect for Windows? Sounds cool. I had always kind of wanted to hack a kinect or something just to play around controlling my pc with it. Yeah, but it could make a cool toy, at least.
  15. Dr_Horrible

    Sen. Leland Yee Offers Holiday Shopping Advice for Parents

    So, this guy also says not to take them to a movie where anybody gets a boo-boo, right? Or one of those depraved books with sexual content and violence masquerading as literature? ... What? It's only video games? Funny, that...