Recent content by Drenaje1

  1. Drenaje1

    Post Whatever Thread

    Well, I was supposed to be getting some work done but it's 2:07 AM where I am which is pretty much too late to be doing much of anything, so I have about an hour tomorrow morning to get started instead. I feel sort of guilty about it. I also feel guilty about that plethora of other shit I could...
  2. Drenaje1

    WTF Australia?!?!?!

    We were warned, we were warned about the Australia. Staying far away from it is how I will ensure that contact with large many-legged creatures is at a minimum. And if I should ever find myself there for some reason, well...
  3. Drenaje1

    Share your heroic deeds

    Since the rules don't define whether or not this was a real heroic feat or a virtual one, my most recent moment of glory was snatching victory for my team. In WoT, to be specific. Since the matchmaking system starts to get hilarious around 1:00 AM because of those pesky timezones, we wound up...
  4. Drenaje1

    You are what you Eat

    I am now a...cinnamon cake thing with vanilla icing.
  5. Drenaje1

    Writing on the wall - A chance to be a part of Escapist history!

    Well, this seems pretty cool. I'd like my name up there, if it fits into a forgotten corner somewhere.
  6. Drenaje1

    Cheesecake is ruining me

    Honestly? I try to distance myself from interacting with the fan base at all. I float down, watch an episode if I feel like I have the time, and then disappear back into the darkness, leaving no footprints.
  7. Drenaje1

    Status Report!

    I'm flicking back and forth between World of Tanks and random internet browsing. But right now, just a short walk outside my door, lies a bag of newly bought cheddar and sour cream chips. The hour is approaching... This is also Saturday, which means the last night I can stay up late and...
  8. Drenaje1

    Amazing Video Game Soundtracks

    Oh fuck yes. OT: I've posted this in similar thread around before, but have it again anyway, since I can't be bothered to go look for something else.
  9. Drenaje1

    What do you think about the Furry Fandom

    I'm not going to jump someone over what they like. To each his own, say I. Do whatever you like, and I'll be over here eating chips and not writing my papers.
  10. Drenaje1

    TV News Report Warns of "Cyber-Bullying" on Xbox Live

    Apparently parents nowadays don't want to actually step up to the plate and PARENT. Why is your, what, 8, 9 year old kid playing this type of game in the first place? Are you even getting involved at all? I mean, who would have thunk that mixing your precious widdle babby into an online killy...
  11. Drenaje1

    Edd Gould, the creator of Eddsworld, is dead...

    Well, shit. And here I was thinking I could have a nice happy week. Rest in peace, Edd. This has an even sourer taint hanging over it because there are people trolling the comments section of RIP Edd video. I already knew people are assholes, but seriously? I don't know whether to feel sorry for...
  12. Drenaje1

    According to Final Hours, the ending of Mass Effect 3 was literally thought up by a child

    You fool boaq, you FOOLISH FOOL. Everyone's just going to be sharing EDI camel toe pictures back and forth while weirdos like me hide in the nearby bushes wearing a disguise.
  13. Drenaje1

    EA Owes Its Success To Its Failures

    I was unaware that Bioware's shoe soles were such a lucrative offer for EA.
  14. Drenaje1

    Your War Cry

    Hey! Maybe I can avoid getting shot/burned/stabbed/sliced/exploded/melted/frozen/devoured/kicked in the bollocks/kicked in the face/crushed by a rock/killed by doom lobsters, etc. this time around!
  15. Drenaje1

    Best Gaming Deal Ever.

    It has to be Team Fortress 2 becoming free. 331 hours in that game, no sign of it being boring yet. Well, that was until the game decided to trip over a rock and then smash its face on the sidewalk in terms of performance. Terraria gets mention, at least. I've wasted plenty of time on that...