Recent content by Eicha

  1. Eicha

    X-Men: Days of Future Past New Trailer Arrives

    I... Don't know what to make of this. I'm on board the train of "Please stop putting Wolverine in every damn movie" but I also want this to be good. Simply because First Class was wonderful. This one feels... Cheap. And if that's what the Sentinels look like... I'm not sold.
  2. Eicha

    X-Men: Days of Future Past New Trailer Arrives

    I... Don't know what to make of this. I'm on board the train of "Please stop putting Wolverine in every damn movie" but I also want this to be good. Simply because First Class was wonderful. This one feels... Cheap. And if that's what the Sentinels look like... I'm not sold.
  3. Eicha

    Escape to the Movies: The Wolverine

    Seems like something I'd rent on DVD. Wolverine is cool and all but... There are much more interesting characters in the X-Men universe. How about a movie about what happened to Magneto between the concentration camp and the beginning of the main part of First Class? That would be pretty...
  4. Eicha

    Wendy's Kiboshes Unofficial Nine-Patty "T-Rex Burger"

    Oh, please. There's a poster up in a Fatburger near where I live, a man ate 16 8-oz patties (124 oz of raw meat) in a burger in 30 minutes. This T-Rex burger is a tasty snack :)
  5. Eicha

    Super Smash Bros. For Wii U and 3DS Won't Have Cross-Platform Play

    >.> Can't they just let us use our 3ds as a controller? Instead of using the crappy wiimotes? That would be a great alternative. Upload your character customizations during a tournament or at a friend's house using your 3ds, then in turn use it as your controller.
  6. Eicha

    Nintendo Misses Profits Forecast By 50 Percent

    Oh, silly Nintendo. If you want us to buy a WiiU, MAKE SOME GORRAM GAMES FOR IT!!!!
  7. Eicha

    EA Exec: Games Aren't "Mass Market" Yet

    Every single major jack-of-all-trades store (Target, Wal Mart, ect.) has massive game sections. These sections of the store dwarf the books, and mre recently, CD sections of the store. New, hot games are being advertised on TV. Almost everyone on the damn planet owns a console in some way shape...
  8. Eicha

    You Too Can Name the Moons of Pluto

    Equestria and 4Chan. :D
  9. Eicha

    Escape to the Movies: Musclepocalypse

    I'm surprised that there was no mention of the Jason Statham genre of movies. One guy being impossibly badass and murdering everything remotely antagonistic is kind of the new-age of action hero.
  10. Eicha

    No Right Answer: Best Silent Protagonist Ever

    I'm gonna have to jump on the Samus boat for this one, but only from Metroid Prime. The way the camera pans out during cutscenes might break the immersion for some, but I felt that panning out and showing Samus full-on and getting a good look at what she's seeing pulls you in closer. As well as...
  11. Eicha

    Saints Row: The Third to require online pass for co-op.

    Well, how about this? I bought the game new, at 12:01am without knowing that it needed an online pass for multiplayer. Whatever, I don't like online play anyways. But, I can't activate my preorder bonus nor the mulitplayer should I choose to use it, because it requires a Gold account. My job...
  12. Eicha

    How do you feel about Textese?

    I think its stupid. Ever since I got my first phone back in 10th grade, I used full and proper grammar. With a standard keypad. All it takes is a little more effort.
  13. Eicha

    Pokémon Card Game Goes Full Circle and Becomes a Videogame Again

    >.> Yo dawg, we heard you like videogames and card games so we put a card game based off a videogame in a videogame so you can play card games based off videogames while you play videogames based off card games?
  14. Eicha

    Mojang and Bethesda Are Going to Court

    It bears as much of a passing resemblance as Dragon Age does to Dungeons and Dragons. And how is it a gracious move? Bethesda demanded money from Mojang for the 'inconvenience' of pursuing legal action. Go Mojang, fight for what's right!
  15. Eicha

    Poll: Games Made for HDTVs

    I'm one of those poor people that need to borrow games from other people in order to play them. Sadly, bills and student loans get in the way of hobbies.