Recent content by EliteDave725

  1. EliteDave725

    Which game villain is the most evil?

    Marche from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is quite the villain.
  2. EliteDave725

    Twilight Screenwriter Penning Highlander Reboot

    You must understand, my friend, that the Highlander franchise has been ruined for quite some time due to absolute turds of sequels. Personally, I think it can only go uphill from here.
  3. EliteDave725

    Poll: What would you Evil Overlord base be?

    The Executor looks like something that should be considered a tremendous winfest. However, it's bridge defense shields didn't even last five minutes of battle and was instantly taken down by a single, accidental kamikaze run. On topic: My evil stronghold would be a city that I had converted...
  4. EliteDave725

    Yet Another MW2 Thread : Quickscopers

    Quick-scopers irritate me every now and again as do people who use heartbeat sensors and others who run around with dual shotguns or tactical knives. But these are only irritants that could easily be solved by switching up tactics, weapon loadouts, etc. As a person who uses the UMP 45 as one of...
  5. EliteDave725

    The personality test that asks: What pokemon are you?

  6. EliteDave725

    Crysis 2 Writer Calls Modern Warfare 2 a Disappointment

    I agree with your comments on the single-player, but I forgot to take my anti-stupid medication this morning so I have to ask you: How does the MW2 flow better? As far as I can tell, all Infinity Ward did was add weapons, perks, callsigns and emblems, and different killstreak rewards...
  7. EliteDave725

    the most disappointed you have ever been in a game

    I second that point and would also like to add that the silenced submachine gun is one of the worst weapon design choices that Bungie has ever made. You can't take advantage of being stealthy because of the Covenant buddy system as well as your character always being noticed by those Jackal...
  8. EliteDave725

    What is your most Hated Video Game

    I can't speak for the multiplayer but I do agree with your point that you can massacre enough enemies to make Rambo blush and somehow still lose because the enemy seems to teleport from command post to command post (on the hardest difficulty setting anyway). Despite the glaring flaws, I still...
  9. EliteDave725

    Modern Warfare Two is a Broken Game With Potential (My First Article)

    You're right; if it was just a regular post I wouldn't have much to say. Perhaps the biggest problem about the original post was that it was called an article.
  10. EliteDave725

    Modern Warfare Two is a Broken Game With Potential (My First Article)

    This is true; sometimes I just don't get the hint. However, my point still stands that this is hardly an objective commentary with a lot of QQ. Or perhaps my faux-English Major standards are too high.
  11. EliteDave725

    Modern Warfare Two is a Broken Game With Potential (My First Article)

    I hate to say this, but I'm not impressed. One of the important things you missed in your review is the fact that you hardly elaborated on anything. What makes the multiplayer so complex? Why is throwing grenades across a map, camping in corners, or using "cheap" weapons and loadouts a bad...
  12. EliteDave725

    I now officiallly HATE gamertags.

    Don't forget people who crowbar "420" into their gamertags. On a completely unrelated and uncalled for note: my gamertag, EliteDave725, stems from my favoring the Elite character avatar when I used to play Halo 3, my first name, and my birthday.
  13. EliteDave725

    Escapist Stereotypes: What kind of poster are you?

    I'm the type of person who hides under people's beds and breathes heavily while they sleep... I also consider myself to be quite the articulate poster when I have something to say.
  14. EliteDave725

    Poll: MW2: care package knifing

    Not necessarily. You're only outsmarting the IW programmers who thought it was a good idea to let people run faster while holding care-package flares.
  15. EliteDave725

    Poll: New Batman Villain?

    That's a pretty good-looking poster. I had no idea that Christopher Nolan planned on exhuming Heath Ledger's body to reprise his role as Joker, or bringing back Aaron Eckhart's Two-Face even though it was established that he is dead. Also, I'm tickled pink to see that Rachel Dawes survived that...