Recent content by emmademented

  1. emmademented

    Poll: Do energy drinks affect you?

    Not a lot, but my sister can only have a sip of V and be bouncing off the ceiling.
  2. emmademented

    Cooking and you

    I can cook just about anything given the recipe, I just don't enjoy it terribly.
  3. emmademented

    The Fucking Weather.... Where you live

    Sunny and too fucking hot. I will burn to a crisp if I venture outside for more than two seconds. Blark.
  4. emmademented

    Explain your username/avatar.

    Username: It's pretty much my name, except of the 'ed' on the end. Piccy: It's a picture a friend of mine drew of me in high school.
  5. emmademented

    Poll: do you use "your mom" jokes.

    I much prefer to use "Your face" instead. I've even taken to calling my sister Face instead of her name. Lol.
  6. emmademented

    Great masterpieces... that suck!

    The Odyssey? Holy crap. But it's awesome! O'course I'm more than slightly biased cause I'm doing an entire paper on it at uni.
  7. emmademented

    Great masterpieces... that suck!

    I utterly LOATHE Lord Of the Flies. And not just cause I had to study it for English in 6th form. I find parts of it very annoying. I mean the premise is good - great, even - but Golding just couldn't pull it off.
  8. emmademented

    If you had to die...

    As long as it's spectacular and bloody and goes in the history books I'm happy. Lol!
  9. emmademented

    What was your first ever game or games? (console or PC)

    PC: Comander Keen or Duke Nukem. I can't remember which.