Recent content by FinalValkyrie

  1. F

    Zero Punctuation: Demon's Souls

    Im on my 12th playthrough of this game, Ive gotten the platinum trophy, and Im well on my way to having maximum levels. I absolutely love this game. Im tired of playing games that are too easy. This offers a true challenge, and anyone who doesnt like it isnt a gamer. Yahtzee just sucks at...
  2. F

    Zero Punctuation: Valkyria Chronicles

    First ZP review I actually disagree with, I loved this game.
  3. F

    Zero Punctuation: Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

    The spoilers in the credits were the funniest part. The Usual Suspects is one of my favorite movies of all time.
  4. F

    Zero Punctuation: Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

    The spoilers in the credits were the funniest thing. The Usual Suspects was one of my favorite movies of all time, too.
  5. F

    There Will Be Brawl: Episode Four

    Amazing episode. Love this series. Like the crew from Star Fox, although lack of Peppy saying either "Use the boost to get through" or "do a barrel roll!" was lame, but still great.
  6. F

    What game was it that started you out gaming?

    The original Zelda for me.
  7. F

    Zero Punctuation: Halo Wars

    Dear God this was freaking hilarious. I woke people up in the house laughing and almost threw up laughing. The "Clicking on pricks" and "Timer bullshit" bits were the funniest thing Ive ever heard. Massive kudos.
  8. F

    The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks - Trailer

    Been a Zelda fan since I first played it on my NES back when I was a wee lad. And not counting Zelda 2 and the Phillips games (dear Lord.. erase them from my memory...) I have never played a bad Zelda game. It might just be another gimmick, but gimmicks arent always bad.
  9. F

    What Do You Think Is The Saddest Moment In A Game?

    /incomingfanboy Aeris dying in FF7. Shut up. Honestly the music got me more than her actually dying. /outgoingfanyboy