Recent content by fletch_talon

  1. F

    American Gods...How is this good?

    Its a scene that shows how the gods and other beings have different interactions with humanity. Bilquis showed the need for worship that drives them. The Djinn showed how some of them repay that worship/belief. The Djinn specifically said he doesn't grant wishes. What he did instead is grant...
  2. F support is either making fun or me, or made of complete imbeciles

    Yeah mate, not gonna have a go at you for your lack of knowledge since you've actually gone out and chosen to learn instead of remaining ignorant. That's commendable. But you need to take some advice as well. When you contact tech support (or even just ask for help from someone) a detailed...
  3. F

    The red pill movie. A 0?!

    So nice to see a couple examples of exactly what I was talking about sneaking in here. If you point at the term MRA, which stands for men's rights activist/ism and spout shit about them all being anti-woman, you are 100% as bad as the dickheads who say feminists are all man haters. In your...
  4. F

    The red pill movie. A 0?!

    Being human I like to see people I disagree with get what I consider their just desserts. So probably not. But much like "red pill" takes men's rights too far this hypothetical documentary could go too far the other way. We already have some feminists calling MRA misogyny by another name...
  5. F

    The red pill movie. A 0?!

    I havent seen this film, but I'm sure it deserves a zero. You can be as brilliantly artistic as you like when you film someone taking an incredibly painful shit. But I'm still not watching it, even if the soundtrack and set design was amazing... OK maybe if it was narrated by Morgan...
  6. F support is either making fun or me, or made of complete imbeciles

    So is something stopping you from taking a screenshot of the error message displayed when you try to install or update the game? Seems like a reasonable request to me. Though admittedly it should be enough to simply type the error message verbatim but if a screenshot is what they want...
  7. F

    Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

    It could be Speed Freaks. As for mine. A browser based game. I thought it was named after the character you play as, a frog called Ric O'Shea (ricochet). You had to hit targets by bouncing your bullets off the walls. I've searched previously to no avail.
  8. F

    Doctor Who Hires Its First Female Writer in Six Years

    Oh dear me, you've caught me out, exposed the depths of my double standards. Oh wait, not really. Especially since I'm not saying it couldn't happen at the BBC, but rather that there's no reason to assume it has, especially given the evidence we have against that theory. Y'see you are...
  9. F

    Doctor Who Hires Its First Female Writer in Six Years

    Cool, now that we've all enjoyed listening to a bunch of people flinging accusations of sexism hither and thither, I think its time we all read the damn article and took a close look at the part where the "sexist BBC" and specifically "Sexist Moffatt" had reached out to female writers who had...
  10. F

    Battle Systems That You Would Like to See Again

    Been a while since I've played the original Battle Networks, but Starforce is the newer continuance of the series and I quite enjoyed them (I've played the 1st 2). As I understand it, its either in the future or an alternate timeline where instead of all the online connectivity stuff from Battle...
  11. F

    Battle Systems That You Would Like to See Again

    I liked the Megaman Battle Network/Starforce system, the use of proper positioning and timing made it very cool to play and combo attacks (stun with a shock attack then lob a grenade, steal a tile of the opponent's area so you can get in range for your wide sword etc.) Also the Medabots RPG...
  12. F

    No Right Answer: Best Way to Watch TV - Binge Viewing or Week to Week?

    Is someone on the team a Yogscast fan? Or was the picture taken from the Honeydew version of the He-Man version of the song 'What's Up' by 4 Non Blondes just a coincidence? Either way a good choice.
  13. F

    Game of Thrones Author Gets Requests for Male Sex Scenes

    I revere Lord of the Rings, I reread it every few years I think I've worked out why he takes so long to write new books. Probably reads the Wheel of Time series in between.
  14. F

    How come people who commit suicide are considered cowards, unless someone famous does it?

    Because when we see it happen to someone like Robin Williams it comes as a wake up call. Its easy to think that fighting depression is a case of will power and courage, that if you just try hard enough, you'll win. Robin Williams was an amazing person. By all accounts he was smart, kind and of...
  15. F

    What do you think about looters?

    Well I think shoplifters are scum and that we should strongly consider swapping repeat offenders for any illegal immigrants who check out alright and seem sincere enough about the need for asylum. In fact I think most people who show no signs of wanting to follow the most fundamental and...