Recent content by FrostyChick

  1. FrostyChick

    Survey Reveals What the "Perfect" Male and Female Body Should Look Like

    Is it just me, or does the "men according to women" one look a bit like Jon Snow? Can't say the women are really perfect either. Though I guess none of them were done from the kind of angle I'm looking at.
  2. FrostyChick

    Poll: Does anybody here measure?

    All of the above. All kept in a box under my bed. And all clean and ready to use. That is what we're talking about? Yeah, I know I don't have anything to say here, just being the inevitable snarky lesbian posting in a dick thread.
  3. FrostyChick

    Hair colours that you are inexplicably attracted to. =^_^=

    I just like women with unnaturally coloured hair. Pinks, blues, greens and reds, they're all good in my books. Also, I will be dying my hair violet at some point soon. The natural brown is okay, but I need a change.
  4. FrostyChick

    -ism's on tumblr

    I'm just going to ignore the rest of the thread as it seems to have devolved, as these topics tend to do on the internet. I guess it's inevitable, with these kinds of things. Any emotionally charged topic on the internet will draw hatred and nastiness towards itself. I personally have a...
  5. FrostyChick

    Massive Pokemon X and Y Map Reveals Where To Catch Them All

    That is exactly what I had claimed in my initial post in this thread.
  6. FrostyChick

    Massive Pokemon X and Y Map Reveals Where To Catch Them All

    I have checked Bulbapedia and Serebii. Both seem to imply that Kakuna and Metapod are X and Y exclusives, respectively. And furthermore, checking my pokedex in Y, results in "area unknown" for Kakuna. Whilst checking Metapod's entry in X also results in "area unknown".
  7. FrostyChick

    Massive Pokemon X and Y Map Reveals Where To Catch Them All

    I have the guide book open infront of me. So I'll give the official listings. On Route 2: Caterpie is a rare encounter and exclusive to Pokemon Y. Weedle is a rare encounter and exclusive to Pokemon X. In Santalune Forrest: Caterpie is considered a rare encounter in Pokemon X and a...
  8. FrostyChick

    Lyrics or quotes that make you cringe.

    But seriously, fuck that asshat. It's bad enough the song is a load of misogynistic crap, but for him to try claim it's some kind of feminist movement... There are not enough palms and faces to convey my feelings at this moment.
  9. FrostyChick

    The Pokemon X and Y Friend Safari Thread Share Your Codes!

    Adding both of you guys. FC:1950-8294-4166. I've got a normal safari with Kecleon, Aipom and Eevee. PM/quote me if you want to add me.
  10. FrostyChick

    The Pokemon X and Y Friend Safari Thread Share Your Codes!

    I'll pop back in again with mine: 1950-8294-4166. PM/quote me and I'll add you back. Also, if someone could tell me what's in my safari, that would be awesome. Thanks.
  11. FrostyChick

    The Pokemon X and Y Friend Safari Thread Share Your Codes!

    Added all of you guys, my FC is 1950-8294-4166.
  12. FrostyChick

    The Pokemon X and Y Friend Safari Thread Share Your Codes!

    My FC is 1950-8294-4166. Feel free to add me, I'm mostly goofing around trying to finish the Poekdex, so I'm up for trades/battles whenever. ::::)
  13. FrostyChick

    If you were a Pokémon...

    I'd want to be Meloetta, because she probably has one of my favourite designs of all the Pokemon.
  14. FrostyChick

    Favorite RPG setting.

    I'm going to have to go with the Iron Kingdoms for this one. It's a pen and paper setting for those that don't know. Shame it doesn't have any video games around it, I'm sure some studio could make a rather awesome action RPG set there. As for what the Iron Kingdoms is. It originally started...
  15. FrostyChick

    Any Other LGBT Gamers Here?

    The Escapist can at times appear to have an above average LGBT presence. Though I think it may be a trick of perception, as sexuality and gender identity are only really going to be discussed in threads centred around the LGBT community or issues. Naturally these threads will have a larger...