Recent content by gentleben

  1. gentleben

    Australian Government Scrutinizes Videogames Classification Rules

    This is how I read it as well. I'm beginning to wonder how many of the other commenters actually read what he said. His complaint wasn't that certain games should be banned, it was that the R18+ rating that took so long to be implemented wasn't being applied properly, and that some games were...
  2. gentleben

    Wanna help a brother out?

    Oh, forgot to mention, this is a real case. If you'd like the facts on it (as presented by 60 minutes), they are available at the bottom of this post. Alton Logan stayed in jail for 26 years, while 2 lawyers had a prepared and signed affidavit from their client stating that he had committed the...
  3. gentleben

    Wanna help a brother out?

    If you're interested, there is really no right answer. The easy answer is "no" to every question - you shouldn't tell anyone about what your client told you because your client has a right that you not divulge any information about his case with anyone. The hard answer (for lawyers) depends on...
  4. gentleben

    Wanna help a brother out?

    Hello escapists. I'm a law student, and it would be a big help to me if you could take one second to fill out a quick survey on legal ethics. The results of this survey will form part of my assessment for this semester, namely a presentation I will be giving on the differing attitudes of...
  5. gentleben

    What's the best way to learn how to play guitar?

    You should be able to pick up a decent rig for $100-300 (depending on where you live, local currency, whether you buy second hand, etc.), but I would strongly recommend getting an acoustic guitar (or even an acoustic-electric) as they have a higher resale value (if you should decide you don't...
  6. gentleben

    And the willing suspension bridge of disbelief came crashing down....

    I'm doing a dual degree of Science (majoring in biomedical physiology) and Law. Seeing as how about 50% of television made is about either doctors, lawyers or both, I find a lot of television unwatchable. YOU CAN'T USE A DEFIBRILLATOR ON A FLATLINING PATIENT! WHAT LEGAL SYSTEM ARE TV...
  7. gentleben

    Dating norms need to change

    Quoted for truth (I would have quoted the entire thing, but it was too long and devastating to be reproduced in all its glory. OP is confirmed for being a massive Omega Dog.
  8. gentleben

    So an Escapist walks into a bar and...

    I'm a cocktail bartender, so I pretty much have to drink, and be knowledgeable about everything. That said, I would never choose to drink vodka.
  9. gentleben

    Skyrim will suck for you...

    I'm not planning on buying Skyrim. I might get it a year or so after it comes out, but I see no need to get it at release. I didn't particularly enjoy Oblivion, and nothing that I've seen of Skyrim so far makes me want to buy it.
  10. gentleben

    If you had to invade Hell which fictional army would you use?

    Erwin Rommel, one of the greatest military commanders of all time said that if he was asked to invade hell he use "the Australians to take it, and the New Zealanders to hold it". No fictional army required.
  11. gentleben

    How much further can humans evolve?

    There's a lot of people making a lot of fundamentally incorrect claims about biology in this thread. Too many to address in a single post.
  12. gentleben

    You vs Your Avatar.

    Nooo Ben, NOOOOOOOOO!
  13. gentleben

    50 Americanisms That Brits Apparently Hate

    25. "Normalcy" has been around for at least 80 years, and is an accepted synonym for normality in the US 29. Bi-weekly and fortnightly mean two completely different things. Bi-weekly means occuring twice a week (the same as how bi-annually means occuring twice a year), fortnightly means...
  14. gentleben

    Does anyone else find Bioshock Infinite's propaganda posters offensive?

    Wait. So you're upset because a game makes a group of slave owners appear racist?
  15. gentleben

    Britain in videogames

    Miranda Lawson doesn't have a confirmed nationality that I'm aware of. Just because she was based on an Australian actress does not make her Australian, otherwise the protagonist of CoD: Black Ops would be considered Australian too.