Recent content by Gerardo Vazquez

  1. G

    Escape to the Movies: The Equalizer - A Near-Perfect Dad Movie

    Not entirely sure how Captain America:TWS is a power fantasy, much less one that relates to Bob or his age group.
  2. G

    The Big Picture: The Fall of Kevin Smith, Part II

    I've seen this "You're just jealous of Kevin Smith's success" accusation thrown at Bob a lot over the course of this retrospective and I just don't see it.
  3. G

    The Big Picture: The Fall of Kevin Smith

    I...... what? Where did this come from? I think you might wanna watch Moviebob's Escape to the Movies on Red State. His complaints about the film, and Kevin Smith have almost nothing in common with the explanation you stated.
  4. G

    The Big Picture: Leave Michael Bay Alone

    I think the main reason I specifically hate Micheal Bay(and by extension Bryan Singer, and Mark Webb to a lesser degree) is because they aren't just making ANY bad movie, they're making bad movies out of properties I like, and the continued success of those bad movies prevents the creation of...
  5. G

    Movie Defense Force: The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Better Than Broody Gritty Wah Wah

    I find myself agreeing with both Jim, and Bob. The action in the film was amazing fun and some of the best I'd seen in a superhero movie since the Avengers, and Cap 2, but the plot was incredibly stupid/contradictory, and everything Bob said about the movies only existing for rights, and the...
  6. G

    Gary Oldman Slams "Political Correctness," Calls Dark Knight Movies "Work"

    Calling a movie "work" is like being asked to rate someone's cooking in one word, and using the phrase "edible". It's not an insult by any means, but it's likely you didn't think highly of the food/movie in question,
  7. G

    Escape to the Movies: Transformers: Age of Extinction - Better Than The First Three

    Normally I'd think that too, but Bob panned all the other Transformers movies, so it's not like he's giving this one a pass just because it stars the Transformers in it, I guess he legitimately thinks this film is.... what words did he use? Average? Anyways if I had to guess why this review is...
  8. G

    Escape to the Movies: Transformers: Age of Extinction - Better Than The First Three

    It kinda makes sense considering Rainbow Dash kicked Starscream's ass that one time.
  9. G

    Is Jack Kirby's Family Greedy? Who Cares!?

    Oh don't get me wrong. It's not like I think comic books are superior to manga, both piss me off in different ways, so I can't really agree when one attempts to make the case that one is better than the other.
  10. G

    Is Jack Kirby's Family Greedy? Who Cares!?

    That single line of dialogue was probably more controversial than this entire article.
  11. G

    Editorial: Omitting Women From Games Because "It's Too Hard" is Unacceptable

    To be fair a lot of Ubisoft's work has huge first day bugs, girls or no girls. Yes. Anyone can make a claim that that something can take two days. Jonathan Copper is not "anyone". He's the animation director of Assassin's Creed 3. As the main man behind the animation in that huge, polished AAA...
  12. G

    Editorial: Omitting Women From Games Because "It's Too Hard" is Unacceptable

    "However, Jonathan Cooper, the animation director of Assassin's Creed III, publicly contradicted Amancio's statements on Twitter, claiming that additional animation for females would merely require "a day or two's work." Ubisoft then backtracked and explained that it made more narrative...
  13. G

    Editorial: Omitting Women From Games Because "It's Too Hard" is Unacceptable

    Indeed. The majority of people who here have not participated in triple A game development, or know it's finances. Do you know who has participated in AAA Game development? The numerous game developers, directors, and studios publicly contradicting, dismissing, or outright disproving Ubisoft's...
  14. G

    Editorial: Omitting Women From Games Because "It's Too Hard" is Unacceptable

    I'm disagreeing with you because you claimed, in exact quotes, "It's my understanding that games with female protagonist don't sell well." Oh wait. Nevermind. Aparently you agree with me. Good Games with sell well, and Bad Games don't sell well. Aparently gender doesn't matter. I guess we're...
  15. G

    Editorial: Omitting Women From Games Because "It's Too Hard" is Unacceptable

    Ouch guess I touched a nerve. BTW It's not whining to point out that the "Games with girl's don't sell." isn't actually true, and that people are just misinterpreting the data. If you have a different interpretation of the data then make a thought-out explanation, instead of getting mad and...