Escape to the Movies: The Equalizer - A Near-Perfect Dad Movie


Lurker Extrordinaire
May 10, 2009
During this review I made the jack off motion so hard I nearly dislocated my shoulder. Is it me or does Moviebob tend to be more judgmental of a movie's audience than the actual movie?


New member
Feb 19, 2010
I'm not sure if my love of cartoons and anime overloaded the 'young hero' part of my brain during my youth but i've always preferred watching older action hero's, granted I do expect them to bring something more to the table then straight up action, hence my love for Samurai Jack and the preference I had for the older cast in any anime I used to watch.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Am I just imagining things, or have Russians become ever more increasingly the "bad guys" in western entertainment? Games, movies, etc. I feel like if it's not Arabs then it is usually Russian playing that role these days.

And this is coming from a guy whose grandpa had Russian shrapnel in his leg until his death.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
*sigh* We get it Bob, you think manly men are bad. An ape past its prime that you personally feel is ready to be replaced by the next evolution and die away.

OR, maybe they're just another demographic and you continually deriding them is little different from one of the preps in High School complaining about the goth kids or vice versa?

This kind of classism or groupism or whatever term for the prejudices you're wearing on your sleeve here is pretty insulting. Some people like manly power fantasy films and that's their prerogative. You aren't being forward thinking by dismissing them as something beneath you, it just looks like you're belittling them. Look, I don't like these kinds of movies just like I don't like horror movies. But I accept that other people do and can accept that there's enough space in this world for at least a modicum of coexistence where we're not constantly scoffing at one another any time our cultures coalesce. Sure, as children of the 80's we're often a bit softer than our parents were. My childhood self still sees the greys in my hair with bemusement at the idea that I'm fully grown. But there's plenty of people who've gone the other way. Who are the manly men and the dudebros. The jocks. They're not invalid people. They're not less deserving a culture than our own.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
I imagine my dad would've laughed all the way through. On the other hand, his power fantasy spectrum were films like Where Eagles Dare and Kelly's Heroes.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. Nor with films like these. Moviebob is taking the piss, that doesn't mean he demands the lot of them banned. Everyone got a fantasy fulfillment genre somewhere, and having a laugh at its expense sometimes is a good way to enjoy them even more.

(Between you and me, the fact that it's such a raw and tender point is rather worrying...)


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Muspelheim said:
I imagine my dad would've laughed all the way through. On the other hand, his power fantasy spectrum were films like Where Eagles Dare and Kelly's Heroes.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. Nor with films like these. Moviebob is taking the piss, that doesn't mean he demands the lot of them banned. Everyone got a fantasy fulfillment genre somewhere, and having a laugh at its expense sometimes is a good way to enjoy them even more.

(Between you and me, the fact that it's such a raw and tender point is rather worrying...)
Tender point for whom though? I'm just confused as to why he has felt the need to go after certain groups so doggedly for awhile now. I'm not sure the dads are out to get him. It's like he spends the entire review on how archaic and out of touch this group is and then ends it with, "The movie was fun though" indicating that he liked it, but just wanted to "take the piss" as you say at this one group for no discernible reason. I just don't get it. I don't watch horror movies and complain about horror movie fans before admitting I liked the movie. That would be like admitting that I'm one of them after having trashed them for five minutes. Is Bob a dad? Maybe he is part of the group? Haha, that'd be a decent "joke on us" scenario. He has expressed enjoyment for a lot of 80's nostalgia and these power roles are a nice throw back for those types.


New member
Jun 22, 2010
Bob comes off extra douchey this week. He seems to have enjoyed the movie, but I get the sense he felt like he needed to protect his "cred" and so tried to get snooty about it. Do't be afraid, Bob!


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Tomtitan said:
I came here to the comments to see a TF2 reference. (Or at least a Korra one.)

I was disappointed.

Poor show, Escapist commenters.
Except Denzel is less likely to punch your arms and legs in a manner that turns them to noodles, and more likely to just punch your head off.

Gerardo Vazquez

New member
Sep 28, 2013
Jim_Callahan said:
He's enjoyed other films that are basically the same power fantasy but with the mid-30s target instead of the low-50s (e.g. Captain America: TWS).
Not entirely sure how Captain America:TWS is a power fantasy, much less one that relates to Bob or his age group.


New member
Feb 12, 2014
Gerardo Vazquez said:
Jim_Callahan said:
He's enjoyed other films that are basically the same power fantasy but with the mid-30s target instead of the low-50s (e.g. Captain America: TWS).
Not entirely sure how Captain America:TWS is a power fantasy, much less one that relates to Bob or his age group.
That's because it isn't.

I couldn't have been the only person who said "'The hell was that!" at the Jupiter Rising clip. I mean seriously, "?"

P-89 Scorpion

New member
Sep 25, 2014
Hmm I know plenty of people who are you younger than me (I'm 33) and have 4 kids so it's a film for them?

Sorry Bob but you are in your mid 30's, you are a middle age guy at least according to all the 18-25 year olds were I
work (as they like to remind me).

The correct term for this if your father likes it is an OAP movie.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Lightknight said:
Tender point for whom though? I'm just confused as to why he has felt the need to go after certain groups so doggedly for awhile now. I'm not sure the dads are out to get him. It's like he spends the entire review on how archaic and out of touch this group is and then ends it with, "The movie was fun though" indicating that he liked it, but just wanted to "take the piss" as you say at this one group for no discernible reason. I just don't get it. I don't watch horror movies and complain about horror movie fans before admitting I liked the movie. That would be like admitting that I'm one of them after having trashed them for five minutes. Is Bob a dad? Maybe he is part of the group? Haha, that'd be a decent "joke on us" scenario. He has expressed enjoyment for a lot of 80's nostalgia and these power roles are a nice throw back for those types.
Well, that is true. He's taking the piss, but not with... Hmm, any particular finesse. As to why, I suppose it's just because they're (as a stereotypical collective) rather an easy target. Budweiser, Taken, disappointment at the son's career choice, all of that.

The fact that he enjoyed it on some level himself reinforces that; the film had its qualities, but were aimed at a different group to his, and he couldn't resist reaching for the piss-taking cudgel (since he isn't particularly subtle in that department). At least I imagine so, I'd likely feel the same. Decent film, aimed at a different group that some fun can be poked out of. Not to mention, it's possible to rip the piss out of something you still like. It can be an act of affection or at the very least acceptance as much as anything else.

As for tender point, yeah... I wasn't particularly subtle there, either. It's the undercurrent of "Oh, GAWD, sorry for having a penis, then!!" that tend to surface when Bobby Humour-Cudgel is on the comedic prowl (and at many other times) that I was after. It was rather poorly expressed on my part, though.


New member
May 28, 2009
Can Keanu Reeves starring in an action movie now be considered a dad movie? He's 50. Or does his immortality dsqualify that? Cause I'm interested to see John Wick for the Collateral-like action and silly lines.



Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Burnouts3s3 said:
...Except for Tom Cruise. How that guy keeps looking so young after 40 baffles me.
He trades the souls of dead aliens that attach themselves to his body to Lord Xenu for age treatments to keep himself looking young.

OT: As for the movie, it's about what I expected. Nothing all that special, but fun if you're into it's type.
I guess that's all one should reasonably expect so, :D Success!


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Lightknight said:
*sigh* We get it Bob, you think manly men are bad. An ape past its prime that you personally feel is ready to be replaced by the next evolution and die away.
If Bob hates "Manly Men" so much, why does he keep buying the new versions (and old versions) of Double Dragon?
Or that one game where Duke Nukem asks you if you're "Bad Enough" to save the president after he's kidnapped by ninjas?

This one.
Ninja Dragon I think. <-< Hmm....Nah, two samples is not enough for a pattern. Plus dragons are awesome. Coincidence. Probably.

Eh, my guess is Bob just felt like taking the piss out of an older film formula and poking a little fun at fans. Nothing wrong with a formula (as Bob has said before), but they're liked more by others and not by some.

In the end as Lightnight said, that Bod said, or that you said that he said, as it was said (D: HELP I CAN'T STOP!), Bob did like the movie in the end so it used it's formula well then.

More likely Bob's meh feelings about "Dad Movies" is more likely attributed to his likely extensive exposure to films like it, rather than a distaste of the type itself. As for the poking fun at fans, it seemed pretty tame to me.

Then again, Bob did recently do an Episode of the Overthinker where the Anti-thinker called Bob out for using "Dudebros" as a scapegoat for people (himself included) in the "Geek Community" act up, and blaming it on them instead. So perhaps there is a bit of venom in there........But probably not.
Conner42 said:
A cool! A written part of his review. That can be helpful.

*scrolls further*

What the fuck is this shit? A score? Wha....

Moviebob, what haz they done to you?
Review Scores on movies?

Huh. Well, guess that's there now........ *ignores it*


New member
Sep 27, 2013
Moeez said:
Can Keanu Reeves starring in an action movie now be considered a dad movie? He's 50. Or does his immortality dsqualify that? Cause I'm interested to see John Wick for the Collateral-like action and silly lines.

I don't know about that, but now that I have seen the trailer for that movie, I'm definitly going to see this. A revenge movie because of a car and a dog.. damn I want to see that.


New member
Feb 5, 2013
There - it happened again. Moviebob censored out the F-word why other Escapist videos swear ahead. Can anybody explain this?