Recent content by Glaice

  1. Glaice

    This Star Destroyer PC Will Strike Fear Into Rebels Everywhere

    That looks like it can be easily knocked over, I wouldn't chance brittle eye candy over durability and functionality.
  2. Glaice

    ASUS Phones And Laptops Will Block Ads By Default

    I'd say good for them, maybe others will follow suit and advertising companies will be forced to reevaluate not making intrusive or annoying ads. Maybe adding variation so it's NOT THE SAME AD ALL THE TIME would work because frankly, I'm tired of the same stuff showing up. This also applies to...
  3. Glaice

    New Bill Could Lead to Potential Life Sentences For Guilty Swatters

    Life? Probably too much. 5-15 years depending on severity of incident and if anyone is seriously hurt or killed in the incident, yes.
  4. Glaice

    HuniePop Dev Offers $1 Million for Right to Publish Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 in US

    Koei should tell these SJW idiots to fuck off (AKA IDGAFWYT) and release the game here anyways.
  5. Glaice

    The Just Cause 3 Launch Trailer is a Fan-Made Rap about Explosions

    Why hip hop? Why not something that fits action sequences more, such as heavy metal or punk?
  6. Glaice

    The Tardigrade, World's Cutest Microscopic Animal, is Filled with Alien DNA

    I fell victim to the clickbaity title as well, as well as the article isn't written that well. Shame on you Escapist. The critter is creepy as hell too.
  7. Glaice

    XCOM 2 Screenshots Head to the Suburbs

    Nifty shots, but not at all interested in XCOM series.
  8. Glaice

    So I just read the list of names the robot says in Fallout 4 and...

    My first name is there but my surname isn't as I doubt they'll have Polish last names there.
  9. Glaice

    Gremlins 3 Will Continue The Story 30 Years Later

    Can we just stop with these stupid unnecessary sequels that don't need them already?
  10. Glaice

    Payday 2 Dev Apologizes for Microtransaction Debacle

    Faux apology, that's all it is and let's not forget Update 90 made the flames reignite when they were starting to weaken.
  11. Glaice

    Sculptor Creates Custom Doom Action Figures

    People need to stop linking to the outdated, unsupported Wikia page already. The up to date one is at On top of that, the Doom (specifically Doomworld) community no longer supports the old page.
  12. Glaice

    Disney Wants to Release a New Star Wars Every Year Indefinitely

    Fine, drive what made this series great into the ground and you'll see diminishing returns once the ticket sales slowly decrease and loss of interest.
  13. Glaice


    Okay, why are we reporting/focusing on the garbage outlet known as Kotaku in regards to their blacklist article? We all know they are shit with Ubisoft and Bethesda not being far behind in terms of quality as well.
  14. Glaice

    Star Wars Battlefront Review - I Find Your Lack of Depth Disturbing

    Looks like Battlefield: Star Wars edition to me, plus it's an EA published game so that's a big NO for me. I don't support mega publishers and neither should the average consumer.
  15. Glaice

    Fallout 4 critic vs audience reviews for pc port.

    90, 95 and 100 as scores are clearly not deserved for a Bethesda game based on the Gamebryo or Creation engine because we clearly know the kinds of issues they are known for.