Recent content by Gone

  1. Gone

    Truth or False?

    False. The person below me googled has googled themselves before.
  2. Gone

    Korean Ex-Defense Minister Says Crisis "Isn't StarCraft"

    Don't quit your day job. Besides that, this has to the most interesting piece of news I've seen since I last saw the news.
  3. Gone

    Pile of wood = art?

    Man, modern art sucks.
  4. Gone

    So Prop. 19 didnt go through (the one about Legalizing Marijuana)

    I was asked why I don't support the bill this was the only thing I can pull to mind. After reading the little voting info pamphlet I ended up voting yes because of all the things it would do. (Brains before heart and all that good stuff)I think we see this bill pushed through legislation again...
  5. Gone

    Man Goes to Jail for Being an Internet Troll

    You know whats really disturbing? The fact that the troll has such a huge ego for posting some mean comments on a forum that he hands out photos to his neighbors.
  6. Gone

    Poll: 4-Year Old is Cabable of Being Sued.

    I'd love to see in 14-16 years when the kid goes in for his first job interview and the boss says, "It says here on your record you were sued for running down an old lady at the age of four".
  7. Gone

    i got in trouble today

    Most trouble in school? I wrote dick on a wall
  8. Gone

    'First 3 Twilight Films are Better than the original Star Wars Trilogy'

    yes, Indiana Jones is that awesome.
  9. Gone

    Movies You Can Constantly Watch and They Never Get Old

    I can watch Stranger Than Fiction, Office Space and Shaun of the Dead over and over again.
  10. Gone

    Zombie plan

    who read the zombie survival guide? I did, but I fear I will not follow its teachings. Best case scenario. I spend several years on an Island, or near the frozen tundra.
  11. Gone

    Why doesn't Yahtzee try Multiplayer very much?

    His reasons summed up for you. Taken from his Extra Punctuation article: "Extra Punctuation: On Multiplayer" 1. He lives in Australia "Australia is very far away from other English-speaking nations, which is usually a bonus because it's a lot easier to get along with people when you can't...
  12. Gone

    Awesome Ideas For Band Names

    People of the Ballacetine Castle (Thank you DC*) *Bonus points if you know who I'm talking about.
  13. Gone

    The personality test that asks: What pokemon are you?

    [] This is surprisingly eerie. I'm not sure how to take it.
  14. Gone

    Best Line in a song?

    Modest Mouse - Little Motel "It rained and its over a shooting star Landed directly on our broke down little car We fold and we had made a wish That we would be missed"
  15. Gone

    Question of the Day, April 18, 2010

    I play it, I'm on and off. I like it because I've reached a point where I can just fill my field and leave for a few days, its a routine thing. I stopped because facebook bores me.