i got in trouble today


New member
Jan 23, 2010
i called 2 losers that were fighting pussys and they both tried to fight me, but my friends pulled them off before i could get into anything but later the vice principal came into my class room and gave me a referal for starting a fight.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
I once received a two-week ban from the school email-system for seeding a flash game in which you killed Osama bin Laden. The other time was when I made a good-old-fashioned loop by connecting two cat-5 outlets, and immediately exiting the room in front of a camera. Oops.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
I got in trouble for not turning in homework for like the 30th time that month and in detention the teacher asked me what I wanted to do with my life, and I said, "I wanna rock!" come on he was asking for it... and a week suspension was totally worth it...


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Got in trouble for a similar situation. Used to cut school for lunch and bribe our big Samoan security guard with a bag of donuts from Rolling Pin to get back in the gate. Got caught by the dean doing it one day and the guard was fired and I got suspended for the day and like a month of detention. It turns out that the guard was actually taking much larger bribes from other students, pot and beer mostly, and that's the big reason he was fired. They had been watching him for awhile and apparently a bag of donuts was the straw that broke the camel's back. Go figure huh?


New member
Oct 6, 2009
UnwishedGunz said:
Amethyst Wind said:
3 teachers to watch one student?

Your school must be well funded. Or your teachers lack lives.
well for some reason they think IM the bad influence on them, its only cause im black and the rest of those kids were white

my principal thinks the weed those kids had is mine
If that is true then you could bring your principle and teachers down. I doubt thats the full story but if it is... lawsuits for fun and profit...

or act like this guy
creep them the fuck out


New member
Jan 22, 2009
Jonluw said:
You aren't allowed to leave campus during recess? That's strict...

I haven't really gotten in any trouble at all at school.
Neither does my school. But people still sneak out all the time. The schools too big to have teachers watching every area.

OT: The last time I got in trouble was in 6[sup]th[/sup] grade for throwing markers at some kids who were throwing them at me.

there is no spoon

New member
Jun 20, 2008
UnwishedGunz said:
Amethyst Wind said:
3 teachers to watch one student?

Your school must be well funded. Or your teachers lack lives.
well for some reason they think IM the bad influence on them, its only cause im black and the rest of those kids were white

my principal thinks the weed those kids had is mine
I apologize but I find that hysterical. Your teachers see a black kid and they instantly jump to "HOLY CRAP!!! HE BE BLACK! CRIMINAL." Their ignorance is so pathetic it actually amuses me.


Cleaning trash since 1990
May 11, 2009
TheLiham said:
Being accused of threatening a girl with a knife and got moved to a different school ¬¬
Kind of the same thing happened with me, except I acutaly did threten the guy, and I actualy had knives on me... and I got about the same...


New member
Jun 17, 2010
UnwishedGunz said:
Tell them to put you through a drug test and demand a public apology (or better yet sue their stupid asses if you're in the dear ol' USA) when it comes back clean.

Most trouble I've been in... not much really, I'm not a troublemaker. Got sent to the "class teacher" (not sure what they're called in English, basically one of the teachers assigned to taking care of a class of students) once for swearing loudly in the classroom. The teacher was insistently bitching and attacking one of my friends and embarrassing him in front of the class so I stood up and told her to tone it down/leave him alone - that part was polite though (if a little firm/annoyed). One of the assholes from my class decided to throw in a snide remark while I was arguing with the teacher though and I just turned and told him to fuck off.

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
The most trouble I got wasn't even particularly my fault. I was like 10 and some big girl who was 5 grades older than me tried to push me into a thorn bush but when I tried to grab her arm to stop from falling, I missed and grabbed her bra instead, pulled myself up and snapped it back at her. She lied outright and I got detention for 4 days.


One day, we'll wake the zombies
Mar 29, 2010
A couple detentions...

I hated school, and eventually I was rarely there, but by that point nobody really cared to do much about it.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
You typed during school!? This website is blocked at my school, as well as almost everything on the internet, including images of the "Mona Lisa".


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Darkspectar said:
Jedamethis said:
Well, there was that one time when I started a month-long History project the day after it was due in, but I guess that doesn't count as I wasn't punished. *dance dance*
I did that for religion once! I got all A's! Yay for me!
High five!


New member
Feb 10, 2008
There was bad blood between me and my music teacher, and when he told us we had to make a certain test (final test of the year, very important for your final grade) and a second class didn't I just shouted that I just wouldn't bother studying as it was completely unfair.

He then send me out and made me get a 'yellow card' (3 yellow cards = a red card and you get suspended). Usually it means detention, but the detention office was on my side and let me go after sitting the rest of the lecture out in their room. I got high fives all around.

Oh and this one time we had a maths substitute teacher who really sucked. He gave me a yellow card for laughing. Given, I was screwing with the projector behind his back, and the whole class was laughing. Best part was that a few minutes before that the girl I really liked got one too, so I was send away after her. We ended up being the only one in the detention room and we talked quite a bit. That was a good moment, yeap. It never got anywhere with her though.

That too didn't get me detention as I again managed to get the detention office on my side. I must admit, I'm quite a charming fellow. It also helps that I can twist the truth just a bit (but not lie, which is the best part) that I can create sympathy.

I got high-fives all around on both occasions. For once I was liked in class, 't was pretty awesome.


New member
May 23, 2010
Sonic Doctor said:
Jonluw said:
You aren't allowed to leave campus during recess? That's strict...

I haven't really gotten in any trouble at all at school.
I'm not sure what you mean by recess, if you call lunch "recess" in Norway. In the US, recess is playtime for elementary students from kindergarten to 5th grade. In grades after that there isn't any break time except for lunch (at my high school they had lunch set in three periods, each broke in half, so there were six 20 minute half periods for lunch; the other half of the period we had to go up to a study area to study before moving onto the next period. Each student of course only got one 20 minute half period of lunch a day.) People that pretty much got straight A's in everything, were the ones that gained the special privilege of being able to go off campus for a whole period for lunch.

Since the OP is from America and with his date of birth show, he is obviously in high school. I don't know about his high school, but I would say the only break time they have as well is lunch. I'm surprised they let just anybody off campus during lunch. It is no wonder why they had to stop doing it. If they did that at my high school when I was there, I would say at least 100 kids (1/17th of my high school) would just walk of campus and not come back till the next day.
The only proper free time we have over here as well is lunch (there is some space between classes to let us reach our classrooms); but when we're having lunch we're free to go wherever we like. My school is in the middle of the city/town, so I often go and buy my lunch at one of the grocery stores or Subway kiosks. After buying food it is not uncommon for me and my friend(s) to go for a stroll in the city. Maybe sit down on a bench in a park and eat lunch. If you decide not to eat anything, you could potentially go shopping during lunch; though you wouldn't have the time to buy a lot.

There's this store that sells manga and fantasy novels and such a couple of minutes' walk from my school. I often go there during lunch.

We've been allowed to wander off during lunch since eight grade, so I find it rather strange that OP's school is so strict. It reminds me of elementary school.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
I chipped a kids tooth once when i was about 9, he pushed me so I hit him. The head master then tried to drag me to his office so I punched him in the nuts. I got in quite a lot of trouble for that.

EDIT: a few years ago (I was about 15) my ICT teacher started screaming at me about plagiarism saying that my work was copied. It turned out that the girl sitting next to me copied my work and tried to pass it as her own. I was in serious trouble until they figured out what had actually happened. What I don't understand is that the teacher automatically assumed it was me that copied and when we figured out what happened, the girl in question didn't even get detention (even though I didn't do anything, I still got 1 hour) and she was only told to do her work again but when I was getting wrong, my teacher was talking about getting the police involved.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
I'm a good boy :) I have got in trouble quite a few times though for stuff like not doing homework and not being good at Maths (seriously my Primary school teacher was a dick).

I did get in a lot of trouble for throwing a Paper Aeroplane once. It was stupid to throw it, and the teacher told me to go pick it up. Then another student picked it up and threw it to the opposite end of the classroom, and I got put in detention for it. No idea why since I was nowhere near it at the time.

EDIT: Oh I remember one now. I once got sent to detention because some kid pushed me over in the playground and I told the teacher. He said to stop making things up and made me sit in he classroom for the rest of recess. As I said he was a Dick.