Recent content by HalfLife205

  1. HalfLife205

    Mass Effect 3 - WHAT Was Your Favourite Weapon?

    The particle rifle. My Shepard was a soldier, and with his special stat and incinerator ammo maxed out with all the +damages, armour with +damage and +headshot damage, and extended barrel and thermal clip capacity the thing absolutely raped. Atlases, Banshees, Brutes - nothing stood in its...
  2. HalfLife205

    Worst. Ending. Ever.

    I lol'd. The ending to RDR I loved. I've truly loved some games, but that ending has moved me the most I think.
  3. HalfLife205

    What did you name your Skyrim character?

    Damn, so many good names. I have a Dark Elf called Drellen, who looks as if he would slit your throat if you so much as breathed near him.
  4. HalfLife205

    My school has just crossed the line from 'Idiotic Logic' to 'Batshit Insanity'

    Soon they'll be teaching creationism.
  5. HalfLife205

    Poll: Which October/November Release will you buy first?

    Skyrim, BF3, ME3, Arkham City, AC:R. I would buy the Team Ico HD re-release but I own a PC and a 360, no PS3. SotC was amazing on PS2. I would also buy The Last Guardian. MW3 can be bought some time when I've played all of those to death, i.e. 2015ish.
  6. HalfLife205

    Apparently COD is a children's game?

    This. And wait patiently for BF3 on PC for some 64 player fun again.
  7. HalfLife205

    So I'm Trying to Become a PC/Computer Player

    I game on an ATi Mobility Radeon 5870, 1GB GDDR5 and clock/mem speeds are 700/1000MHz. It runs basically everything maxed out at the moment, there are a few games I have to turn down AA for though. Not including poorly optimised games, either. It's based on the desktop 5850. Pop one of those...
  8. HalfLife205

    I'm giving away Frozen Synapse (Ends at 3am GMT) (Winner Selected!)

    Pick me random generator, pick me!
  9. HalfLife205

    NPD Declares Black Ops the Best-Selling Game Ever

    I am unequivocally with you on that one, my good Sir. I'll see you on the 'field 8-)
  10. HalfLife205

    NPD Declares Black Ops the Best-Selling Game Ever

    This. Call of Duty 4 was excellent, and was the game that really propelled the series from mediocrity to the so-called pinnacle of FPSs. Modern Warfare 2, despite its balance issues built on this and has been the only other CoD game so far to change the pacing quite so much as well as adding new...
  11. HalfLife205

    Your thought on all this Doomsday rubbish

    It's not proven that it is due to us that global warming is occurring, there are a large number of high-profile sceptics too. That it is happening is undeniable, that it is down to us releasing increased quantities of CO2 is debatable. Also the sun doesn't have nearly enough mass to...
  12. HalfLife205

    Poll: Your opinion on interracial relationships?

    I agree. I used to find white people far more attractive than any other (myself being white), but then something changed and now I'm the opposite. My last two (and indeed the only two that have really meant anything) relationships have been with Asians. Oh, and also I'm British, so when I...
  13. HalfLife205

    Poll: Your opinion on interracial relationships?

    The difference being we don't count as different breeds of humans? Although I still agree in principle, it is to far a lesser extent than that found in animals.
  14. HalfLife205

    Poll: Your opinion on interracial relationships?

    Why on earth should it be weird? I hate that it still considered is. I'm in one at the moment; I'm white and she's Asian, Bengali to be precise. My parents are fine with it of course - they're pretty cool guys, they kill aliens and...yeah. Her parents, however, don't know, and she doesn't...
  15. HalfLife205

    Halo might have gotten a hold of me.

    Halo 1 has best story, Halo 2 has a great campaign and the best multiplayer maps imo, Halo 3 is an amalgamation of the two but as good as neither, though it does come with a large graphics jump and some new features. ODST is a waste of time unless you play online because it has all the H3...