Recent content by HDi

  1. HDi

    Poll: Borderlands 2 is annoying...

    Tannis was so much better in the first game... her journals had this weird pathos about them and the voice performance really sold it perfectly. She sounded sick, like seriously mentally ill... and it was an awesome joke because they didn't play it like a joke. In the second game they really...
  2. HDi

    Learning C++

    I'll throw in a suggestion for Processing ( as a great place for a beginner. It's based on Java, and used pretty much only for motion graphics, but it's immediate and gratifying spend your time making flashing lights and self generating patterns and learn the...
  3. HDi

    Weird Job Interview Questions

    It's not as strange as some, but I was asked, "What would your friends tell me about you?" ...which I wasn't prepared for at all, so I just answered "That I can hold my liquor." I got the job. Though I doubt that answer helped. ...and I'd hope that Lilo and Stitch was one of the...
  4. HDi

    Emotionally moving Music Videos

    This was the first song I heard from Gotye... So I bought the album, and found it's the only song on there that I like. Love the video though.
  5. HDi

    Jimquisition: Emotions, Polygons, and Ellen Page

    hrm... really not feeling this one at all. Señor Sterling just comes off as a bully, making fun of the little fat boy who likes ballet. Following him around and doing exaggerated, parodic impressions of him in the halls between classes so that all the other kids will laugh at him. Nobody...
  6. HDi

    Poll: Do you feel uncomfortable around people who are attracted to the same sex?

    My little brother's gay... that's a negatory good buddy. He tells the funniest stories about his hookups. That can get a little awkward, but in a hilarious OMG!-WTF?-TMI! kinda way. So I just tell him about vaginas and then he gets to squirm. It's a thing we have.
  7. HDi

    Is "not a good role model" a valid criticism of a person?

    He doesn't fuck a horse. The character has a religious (not a sexual) infatuation with horses. The controversy was, at first, about the fact that Radcliffe had a nude scene. But it pretty quickly turned into London yelling at itself about indecency and animal sex.
  8. HDi

    Your first PC Gaming Rig

    I'm about to start buying up the parts for my first rig next week... Really stuck on the GPU though. Can't decide between a GTX 660 Ti or an HD 7950. oh life ...y u so difficult?
  9. HDi

    Share your internet nostalgia!

    I'm also really glad that is still around.
  10. HDi

    Share your internet nostalgia!

    Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger. Mushroom Mushroom. Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger. Mushroom Mushroom. Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger...
  11. HDi

    Favorite TV Show Openings/ Credits

    It's not from a TV show, but the title sequence from seven is fucking awesome.
  12. HDi

    What is the geekest thing you own?

    I have this Sony HMD... which I think is pretty geeky. I didn't buy it though. A few weeks after registering my PS3, I got an email from Sony saying I had won some raffle and they were sending me a TV for my face. It's pretty uncomfortable though, so it hasn't seen much use. I'm not much...
  13. HDi

    Ambient/Scenescape Music Recommendations

    a few artists from my hometown you might like... anyone know if we can embed soundcloud tracks into forum posts? that'd be sweet.
  14. HDi

    I saw Graham Stark (LoadingReadyRun) on the bus

    I met Ralph Fiennes randomly at Bondi here in Sydney. My girlfriend was all "I saw you onstage in an Isben play at a tiny little theatre in Stratford London a few years ago... it was awesome and I think you're really great... Isben is just wonderful isn't he?" ...and so on. Meanwhile I'm...