Recent content by Holy_Handgrenade

  1. Holy_Handgrenade

    Having difficulty understanding transgendered people? I'll try to help.

    Hey, I am actually thankful for this opportunity, the few people I know who are transgender in real life I shy away from asking these questions for fear of offending. I fully understand and accept that people identify with a sex different from that which they were given at birth and we should...
  2. Holy_Handgrenade

    Poll: Jim Sterling Calls Out New Assassin's Creed (for racism/sexism?)

    A. Various excuses can be made that the various under represented groups weren't there in the historical context so cannot be in the game but it's very hard to make that argument about 51% of the population who had a pivotal role in the french revolution, the time it was set and the most famous...
  3. Holy_Handgrenade

    Poll: Am I disgusting for not paying for the first date?

    I do not equate being a nice guy with being a gentleman on a date I am polite and a nice guy as I like to think I am in everyday life. Though I won't bend over backwards to satisfy this gentlemanly idea that women can't function by themselves or try to please and convince the girl to like me, to...
  4. Holy_Handgrenade

    Poll: Am I disgusting for not paying for the first date?

    I don't have a problem with it because most girls are happy to go dutch as is my current girlfriend and even if I was single relationships aren't t hat slim that I need to grab one by buying one. Plus the type of girl who is swayed by you paying for her shouldn't really be the sort of girl you...
  5. Holy_Handgrenade

    Poll: Am I disgusting for not paying for the first date?

    That used be my past attitude and oh god the amount of awkward assemblies I gave an answer in and people thought I was weird just because I couldn't stand the silence was innumerable. I think the only reason I truly get bothered by it is that her insisting that I must pay for her is a deal...
  6. Holy_Handgrenade

    Poll: Am I disgusting for not paying for the first date?

    I don't understand how it is irrelevant? Like a previous poster said if I was doing it properly I want a girl who isn't bought at a price. In terms of gender issues though it is still systemic of the larger issue that women are still seen as not independent and not able to take care of...
  7. Holy_Handgrenade

    Poll: Am I disgusting for not paying for the first date?

    This is a subject I've debated with my friends at length, when a friend stated that a guy should pay for a woman on dates. After I told him I didn't do that with my current girlfriend and I didn't do that for my first date which he found even more shocking, he accused me of not being a...
  8. Holy_Handgrenade

    The most emberassing thing you've done?

    Haha, the amount of close calls I've endured is ridiculous though I've never been caught because luckily the speed at which I move when someone is entering the room is unbelievable, laptop shut, tissues down side of the seat and pants up in less then a second. Though my most embarrassing...
  9. Holy_Handgrenade

    Best game for choice and or non linear gameplay

    I was wondering what you guys think is the best game for choice and also non linear gameplay, games falling into these categories make up the majority of what I play and find the most interesting though sadly the well seems to be drying up. The best game I'd say for choice would be Dragon Age...
  10. Holy_Handgrenade

    The Guardians of London: Fourth Echelon (Chapter Two)

    Hmm, I'm intrigued and I'm probably going to through in a app but one question I understand that there is technology and magic but why throw steampunk in and how does it fit in? Just not sure if it's well thought out enough.
  11. Holy_Handgrenade

    The Fifth Crusade (Medieval Battles, Religion and Magic)

    I was thinking he would be a nobleman who doesn't have much martial prowess, nothing strictly wrong with him he just doesn't have much skill in it. Preferring to gain power and money through intrigue and trade. Why would he not know how to make proper potions till we reach the great reveal? As a...
  12. Holy_Handgrenade

    super awesome game giveaways

    Nope, I'm tired and was being retarded...
  13. Holy_Handgrenade

    super awesome game giveaways

    Any one have The Ship I've been dying to play the game and wanted to try out it's interesting mechanic.
  14. Holy_Handgrenade

    super awesome game giveaways

    I'd love it! I'd be happy to trade any games I have lying around. Always wanted to try it but there has been so many games and short on cash! ID: Smooth Criminal