Recent content by ianuam

  1. ianuam

    Does the modern world need to eat meat?

    Ethically, ecologically and economically? No, no we don't. In fact, we should probably feel ashamed of our actions. I do. Does that stop me eating meat? No, unfortunately. But we shouldn't victimise or ridicule those that have the willpower to stop eating tasty, tasty meat.
  2. ianuam

    Daily Mail claims Facebook causes autism

    Daily Mail is becoming a parody of itself, everyone else basically knows it's a joke and the 'articles' within are nothing more than poorly worded bigoted assaults. I switch betweeen The Guardian, The Times (usually when i'm taking the train for some reason) and occaisionally The Independent.
  3. ianuam

    Poll: If you had a chance to take over the world, would you take it?

    I would, then attempt to build a perfect society of artists and scientists underwater, where a man is entitled to the sweat of his own brow free from petty morality and censure... Seriously though, I'd give running the earth a shot if i could work behind the scenes, but I'd probably leave...
  4. ianuam

    If you could give advice to your 14 year old self...

    You're doing fine. Oh and you might want to start learning basic Latin and it'll be easier when you go to University. Also, in two years time, don't start that argument on the college forums, it very nearly leads to your expulsion. Also, isn't this thread idea basically stolen from a certain...
  5. ianuam

    Poll: WASD or Arrow Keys?

    WASD, for the first few months that I played pc fps games I used the arrow keys, but for some reason I get better control with WASD, and after all the years now I can't play with any other configuration. Oh, add to that the space bar for jump, and right m button for fire.
  6. ianuam

    Your most treasured possession?

    My life, my cats, my books.
  7. ianuam

    Resident Evil 5 Demo Discussion Topic

    It's fun, but it doesn't feel like resident evil anymore. It's an actioner, not survival horror. Sure it's a bit scary having lots of people trying to kill you, but you can get that from a simple game of deathmatch css or a mindless shooter. The environment isn't.. haunting. The mansion of...
  8. ianuam

    Gaming Black Holes

    Final Fantasy 8, 9 and 12. Morrowind, Oblivion. Rome Total War And not forgetting Zelda: OOT/WW and AOE2
  9. ianuam

    Poll: when did you......

    At the age of 6, when i realised my teachers didn't know everything and my classmates were ignorant. My experiences in the intervening 14 years have done nothing to demolish this. Yes, I'm quite aware this makes me pretentious.
  10. ianuam

    Utopia: Under Construction

    No single leader as such, rather elections toward a council, comprised of 10% of the population. In order to get onto the council you'd have to show intelligence and political awareness, then would have to be voted in by the rest of the population. Enough technology around in order that the...
  11. ianuam

    Let's share some music...

    Million Dead Hardcore/Post Hardcore Frank Turner Folk/Acoustic/Punk Svartsot Folk Metal
  12. ianuam

    What has ruined YOUR life?

    Social anxiety and most likely depression. Probably said many times before but i think those things have held me back no end. Oh and the fact that I can see that is perhaps the worst bit.
  13. ianuam

    If you could pick any way to die... ??

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. At the age of 293, dressed as superman and attempting to surf my way around the event horizon of a black hole.
  14. ianuam

    Military Hacker Wins Right to Appeal Against US Extradition

    I can't believe that people aren't talking about what he actually found in there. He claims to have found evidence of a massive cover-up by the American government and yet people aren't linking that with the fact that the U.S.A is pursuing him so voraciously.
  15. ianuam

    An open letter to America...

    I'm cautiously optimistic. The almost instantaneous closure of Guantanamo Bay and the focus on science that he's shown (the latter mainly in his speeches, and in his appointments) show a good early start. Yet of course the man is not going to be everything to every one. People have put too much...