What has ruined YOUR life?


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
I've had spells of depression since I graduated from University. It abated while I was in Europe but it's back again.

So yeah, finishing University has sort of messed me up and I haven't gotten over this "joining the real world" yet, working 9-5 and needing to collect a regular paycheck to pay the bills.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Worst time of my life was probably sitting in an STD clinic waiting room, waiting for the results of my HIV test.

Hell is an STD clinic waiting room


New member
Mar 25, 2008
Avida said:
"Well there is this girl..."
...and she let my social anxiety resurface. And this is the case with another girl right now again, 2 years later.

It all started waaaay before that, when I was 7 years old (I'm 20 now, yay.). Still trying to sort my life out, but the social aspect will never be fixed. Ah well, that's life, I suppose. Still going to try and make the best of it.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Social anxiety and most likely depression. Probably said many times before but i think those things have held me back no end. Oh and the fact that I can see that is perhaps the worst bit.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
Ice Storm said:
My ex, you wouldn't believe how bad she hurt me. Been with depression for a while now because of it. Grades and friends have suffered because of it, dang it.

It's as if your me, major ditto here

God's Clown

New member
Aug 8, 2008
As I am sure is a popular one of this particular thread, women. Women and the fact I am beyond lazy.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Saphatorael said:
Avida said:
"Well there is this girl..."
...and she let my social anxiety resurface. And this is the case with another girl right now again, 2 years later.

It all started waaaay before that, when I was 7 years old (I'm 20 now, yay.). Still trying to sort my life out, but the social aspect will never be fixed. Ah well, that's life, I suppose. Still going to try and make the best of it.
13 years worth of recovery, holy crap o_O. Would you elaborate on the situation if i asked?


New member
Nov 22, 2008
Shrifes said:
If I were to choose one thing that did the most damage to me I would have to say after my parents broke up. I was five years old at the time. My Father called me to talk, it was a nice gesture but he made one mistake that I'll never forget. I asked him "Why did you move away?" in different words but essentially that, he replied simply "Nothing there for me." At this point I realized that my Father the most important male in my life and the closest thing I had to a role model viewed me as nothing. It tore my heart out and since then I have been very bitter. There is more, I'll add it later I don't think I would do my story justice right now. If anyone is really curious send me a message and I'll share anything you'd like to know within reason, there are things I will not share.
Wait a minute. this is an old thread!


New member
Sep 4, 2008
thats a bummer man. I hope he figures his life out. For me, its mostly just country music, bane of my existence dude.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
On November 16th of 2006 I was in a pretty wicked car accident.
My birthday is on December 1st. In 2006 I was 18 years old.
When I first woke (from a medically induced coma) I was 19. It was sometime in January or February and in all honesty I thought I was dead; was pretty disappointed in this "after-life" at first.

They told me I had awoken before then, but I was never fully conscious of where I was until this point.
Apparently nurses were trying to ween me back into the life I once lived so they were asking me simple things (to check boxes or bubble in answers to things). They finally wound up asking me to write something; anything I could think of, to make sure I was capable of doing so I suppose.
I don't remember doing it, but I apparently wrote on paper "Adam is still alive"
Which I thought was pretty cool, hearing about it after the fact.

Doctors, family and friends were there to tell me I suffered a "traumatic brain injury" which apparently is pretty serious and also can vary from person to person.
As far as I go, large bits of my memory were lost and my left leg has permanent nerve damage (can't move my foot or anything).
I had full intention to join the US Army and intended to leave very soon (if not for my car accident). My recruiters came and paid their blessings; stayed with me until far after I even came home from the hospital.

Unfortunately though, my girlfriend left me which I suppose was to be expected; I was 18 but she stuck around for a little while.
I've spent the last two years sitting around vegetating especially due to lack of any transportation.
On a positive note I've finally made my re-entry into the real world. I have a car that gets me from point A to point B and I've started college (the BETTER alternative to the military, I suppose).

Either way, I've noticed a lot of changes in myself that are perhaps for the worse. I don't know how things will pan out in the end but I certainly hope well. Suppose it's as much a mystery to me as it is to anyone who reads this. It's just sort of ironic that it's 2009 and this situation is still right on my tail; still biting at my heels.

tl;dr version: I got into a car accident that was totally life changing (for the lulz I guess)


New member
Mar 25, 2008
Avida said:
Saphatorael said:
Avida said:
"Well there is this girl..."
...and she let my social anxiety resurface. And this is the case with another girl right now again, 2 years later.

It all started waaaay before that, when I was 7 years old (I'm 20 now, yay.). Still trying to sort my life out, but the social aspect will never be fixed. Ah well, that's life, I suppose. Still going to try and make the best of it.
13 years worth of recovery, holy crap o_O. Would you elaborate on the situation if i asked?
Well, as I said, I'm still trying to figure stuff out. Without trying to sound angsty here, I'll keep it pretty basic.

I was shy and naive back then, and always hung out with girls when I was still in kindergarten. Then I went to a boys-only school, where I was bullied pretty badly, and simply didn't have anyone to talk to.
So... bullying + my own introversion resulted in depression later on, where the psych put me on pills (so hello, physical suffering, I had constant migraine 'till he changed the kind of pills), and certain happenings have put me in quite an annoying situation (I don't drink alcohol, don't smoke, don't do drugs, and I even try to avoid medication when possible nowadays; the no-drinking thing alienates me from my current student environment, somewhat), which I'm still trying to get out of.

Still have trouble starting conversations now, but thankfully there's the internet for typing walls of text anonymously, like this one.

A.I. Sigma

New member
Sep 17, 2008

People ruin lives. People are assholes, people cheat, people lie, and people are just generally dicks.

You get the odd one that isn't, though.


forever saturday

New member
Nov 6, 2008
tv tropes. they even have a page called "tv tropes will ruin your life".

this webcomic i want to draw but cant for various reasons. cant stop thinking about it.

the way my dad talks to me, i can tell he thinks im a failure.

the avatar for this forum i want to use. it wont fucking work.

not so much that last one but its driving me nuts.