Recent content by Ice_Orchid

  1. Ice_Orchid

    Space Janitors: Episode 5

    It's such a frelling relief to see some one else mention it :) Yes it will be awesome if its just another game on the Mainframe, or even better the "NET"...
  2. Ice_Orchid

    Zero Punctuation: The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

    Brilliant my fine sir, brilliant.
  3. Ice_Orchid

    Zero Punctuation: The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

    13 pages??? people on the internet care too much about what one British born "critic" has to say. If you did not like the review or some how were offended by it, go read one of the many many reviews praising the game. I loved the game and I love the ZP reviews(tho this one did rub me the wrong...
  4. Ice_Orchid

    40k vs. Starcraft

    So whats the point of this thread again? cause all i see are GW fans saying WH40k>SC, SC fans SC>WH40k and any one who read a book that isnt based on a game of some sort saying classic SciFi>to scifi games. then its all rinse-repeat. P.S. When a WC/SC/WH book wins a Hugo prize then we can...
  5. Ice_Orchid

    40k vs. Starcraft

    the only carbon copy i see here are the reply's, doesn't any one read the other posts before replying? but to the subject at hand. both IPs took most of they're design notes from Heinlein and other writers(not to mention that both have dribble for "lore" and plot compared to decent Scifi...
  6. Ice_Orchid

    Trailers: Deus Ex: Human Revolution Gameplay Trailer

    It reminds me of "Ghost in the shell: Stand alone complex" with all the cyborgs ,upgrades and hacking
  7. Ice_Orchid

    265: Punching the Baby Seal of PC Gaming

    "punching baby seals"... wow... Well this is just about one of the biggest masturbatory rants I ever read (the other being a professor of economics ranting about jeans on TED). 4 pages worth of ranting you hate PC games, and why? mainly cause you have faulty hardware. Did it really need to be 4...