Recent content by IrishSkullpanda

  1. IrishSkullpanda

    What's your favorite joke?

    I like baby showers; they're like a going-away party for your dreams.
  2. IrishSkullpanda

    White People! Are you offended being called a "Cracka"?

    If someone is going to call me a cracka, I'm going to take that as tacit approval to call that person the appropriate "slur" in response in the jokiest voice I can muster. I may not be able to get through the sentence without laughing. Eg "What you up to cracka?"- "Not much mah...
  3. IrishSkullpanda

    We are Team Siren

    I've said it before regarding this topic and I'll say it again. If you want to be taken seriously as a professional gamer that happens to be female in any gaming scene, no matter if it's League of Legends or Dota or Halo or CoD or anything, you need to integrate, not segregate. You need to...
  4. IrishSkullpanda

    What are some well-sexualized male game characters?

    Most things in this thread are from Japan you say? Riot pls.
  5. IrishSkullpanda

    What will you name your children?

    Personally, I like Megan for a girl. I'm not really a fan of names that are weird for the sake of weird, though her pronunciation wouldn't be "Mee-gan"- "May-gan" rolls off the tongue better and sounds more mature. But for a boy, he's gonna get saddled with Balthazar. I will fight till the...
  6. IrishSkullpanda

    Late to the Mass Effect 3 MP party, advice welcome.

    Stasis no longer worksas well on Cerberus to the extent it once did with the addition of Dragoons, and the other 3 races have a ton of armored units. Geth got an absolutely horrific buff, and are far and away the hardest faction to skilled players because of BS staggers. On the plus side, no...
  7. IrishSkullpanda

    Anonymous Attacks North Korea

    There is an honestly disturbing amount of people in this thread calling for the decimation of a country purely because of the unfortunate circumstances regarding being ruled by a dictatorship. If America (and I know how ridiculous this will sound but honestly bear with me here) was to be...
  8. IrishSkullpanda

    "That's Not a Real Job"

    I don't earn enough money to live alone, financially speaking, and am dependant on my parents at this stage in life until I can find even more work. I currently hold two jobs, and get next to no hours for both. Do I tell people I don't have a job? Hell the fuck no. I work two jobs and...
  9. IrishSkullpanda

    Gripes About Bioshock Infinite

    A few things people seem to have missed (spoilers in case someone made it this far into the thread without spoiling) Regarding Elizabeth at the ending- You need to remember that her full power was held in check by the Siphon. Once all her power was at her disposal, Elizabeth became essential...
  10. IrishSkullpanda

    Poll: Who do you respect most as a voice actor?

    There is a distinct lack of BRIAN BLESSED in this thread.
  11. IrishSkullpanda

    Bioshock Infinite: Favorite weapon

    I feel like I'm in the minority here, but the Hailfire. Wearing a shirt that doubles the clipcount means disgusting amounts of Area destruction. Combine with Undertow dragging three enemies to me, and them dying in one-two shots... And its firerate is insane- popping off a volley of 12...
  12. IrishSkullpanda

    Advice for guys who don't know how to approach women.

    A lot of women have come into this thread and talked about how appalling some of the advice OP has given is- and that is fine. However, some of the advice they have given back to us is almost equally weird. Katatori summed it up the best. "There's a reason some guys are cautious. And it's...
  13. IrishSkullpanda

    Favourite Manga Character

    *ahem* There is a disturbing lack of this guy in this thread so far.
  14. IrishSkullpanda

    You're all too depressing...seriously

    I recently bought a new headphone/microphone combo to replace my Xbox 360 set, my iPod set, and my PC set. And recently discovered the glory that is Grooveshark. I am happy dancing right now thinking about how good life is right now.
  15. IrishSkullpanda

    Anyone besides me beginning to cringe at certain terms because of Video Games?

    Spunkgargleweewee. The Escapist is now rife with it. Can't we just go back to calling them FPS games, or military shooters? Christ knows I like the guy, but not everything Yahtzee says is Holy Gospel destined to be repeated until the end of time. That's Jim's job.