What are some well-sexualized male game characters?


New member
Dec 17, 2009
-The protagonist of Vagrant Story and his charming butt-windows.

-Kuja, of FFIX. Though my sibling and I still disagree over whether the camera attention amounts to "Look, see how flamboyant he is!", or if it's more like "Look at this smug, beautiful bastard. Run him down and fill his naughty mouth with your--".
I think there's at least a bit of sexualisation in the attention given to him.

-To some extent, the original Nier (not the awful turbo-macho US release).

-Dante, new and old.

I'll come back with more.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
Al this talk of Dante and you guys missed the point entirely...

I know Vergil, I know.

Bitches be cray cray.
That's because we weren't motivated.



...I'll let myself out.

OT: Would Geralt count? I mean, I know he's covered in some nasty scars and all, but he's still a pretty sexy guy. Plus, he's got that whole, mysterious Witcher bad boy thing going on.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
wintercoat said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Al this talk of Dante and you guys missed the point entirely...

I know Vergil, I know.

Bitches be cray cray.
That's because we weren't motivated.



...I'll let myself out.

OT: Would Geralt count? I mean, I know he's covered in some nasty scars and all, but he's still a pretty sexy guy. Plus, he's got that whole, mysterious Witcher bad boy thing going on.
Of course everyone knows that manwhores are manwhores for a reason. he knows how to please the ladies! ;)


New member
Dec 5, 2011
the hidden eagle said:
Solid Snake is somewhat sexualized in the way that he often has ass shots in some cutscenes.
Have you seen the original artwork used for mgs, you got to see snakes snake on so on.


New member
Feb 4, 2012
How about nathan drake? No idea how to insert pictures, but he's handsome. And spends an unnecessary amount of time with his butt to the camera


New member
Jun 10, 2009
I think the typical male protagonist in Western games sort of channel the 80's action hero a bit with the buldging biceps and the more crazy episodes of Dragon Ball Z. Games need to take a page from TV, if they want to pander for male cheesecake, OBJECTIFICATION FOR ALL!


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Daystar Clarion said:
Talking all srs bsns here for a sec but disregarding personal opinions, Vergil really isn't sexualized. Not compared to Dante, and not at all really.
Personality-wise, Vergil is smart and calculated, while Dante is outgoing and openly charismatic. With the clothes as well, Dante (at least in 3+4) wears lots of loose kinda stuff, or that fucking silly chest strap... thing. Vergil covers up, and keeps a more business feel to everything, again encouraging the idea that he's interested in nothing but his progress or power.
And if we're going to go Freudian... yes, Dante gets impaled a fuck load more than Vergil.

So yeah, Vergil's a cool dude but not really relevant here.

More OT: Ezio maybe? I know early AC2 his attitude annoys a lot of people, but he dresses stylishly, he's not ugly by any stretch, he gets naked fairly often for a male character in a game (but not gratuitously), and in Revelations we get to see a softer side of him. Even if he is like, 50.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
As a heterosexual male, this is a bit of a tricky subject matter since I never really look at a male lead and thought to myself, "oooh... he's dreamy ;)."

Although, I think I can still make some attempt at suggesting male leads that would raise an eyebrow if that floated my boat.


-Nathan Drake: good looking guy in top physical shape. Plus you don't ever seem him shirtless to make the character come across a bit sleazy (in a male way). Plus, not a bad personality if a bit douchy.

-Adam Jensen: it's a young Clint Eastwood with sex appeal, how could you go wrong with that. ;)

-Shepard: good looking guy that isn't some shirtless gigalo showing off his six pack. But I'd put him more on the bottom of the list because he's got zero charm.

Out of all of them, I'd say Jensen is the biggest winner. Game developer should try more to recreate old actors in their games in new light. Next they should try Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, James Dean, and dare I say a young Marlon Brando or Sean Connery.

Sack of Cheese

New member
Sep 12, 2011
Try fighting games! They have the fair dose of sexiness for both men and women.
Also, Vega from SF, Steve Fox, Hwoarang from Tekken, most Soul calibur guys, so on and so on...

My favourites:

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
So this isn't about sexualised men, just attractive men?

I think most of my answers would come off as boilerplate. Dante is a sexy sexy man. Leon's pretty. Etc. etc.

EstrogenicMuscle said:
"Women think are good looking".
Well, women like different things.
Surely you can't be serious!

Hence why they put off so many American dudes.
Or, in other words, "this is why we can't have nice things!"

piinyouri said:
I would say John Marston.
Aside from having the stereotypical "grizzled western hero" look, he wasn't sexualized on the exterior at all.
He seemed incredibly life like most of the time, and I constantly found myself wanting to know more of this kind, but contradicted man.
That is sexier to me than any muscles or outfit could convey.
You mean there's more to his personality than "Okay, I'll do this fetch quest for you, but if you betray me THIS TIME, I'll kill you!"

Zeles said:
Whats the name of that Nosfuratu hacker guy you can do quests for? Mishnik? He's pretty good looking for a Nosfuratu.
Mmmmm...nosferatu fanservice...

...Don't judge me!

The Ubermensch

New member
Mar 6, 2012
Vorpal_Smilodon said:
I aspire to be a game dev, and one thing that I simply can't find is good examples of sexy male characters that women think are good looking. Unfortunately, being a 99% hetero male myself the only two male characters I can recall being attracted to are Godot from Ace Attorney and Vyers (Mid-Boss) from Disgaea, and the opinion doesn't come from a female anyway.

Anyone want to share examples? (preferably characters that are actively sexualized - I know some people are hot for batman, but that's the last thing intended by his design)

Do women like butt-cam (like in Metal Gear Solid 4 for example)?

The one thing I think I know is that abs = boobs
Now I've analised this subject with two people who know about attraction; porn star Joslin James and Tiger Woods, both have provided me with insight on both passionate attraction, and stable monogamous relationships.

For most men, the list of what we're looking for is rather short

1. Is she hot?
2. Seriously dude, how hot is she?

What a woman are looking for is a bit more complex, and is as follows

"Does he have a good job?
What kind of car does he drive?
He needs to be confident with out appearing to be too arrogant
He needs to be funny, but not goofy funny
He needs to be tall, but not weird tall
He should be spontaneous but only when I'm expecting it
Hansom is a plus and Hansom with good hair is better
No Baldies! LOL
He needs to know all the right times to say everything
He needs to know the times he needs to say nothing
He needs to know how to treat me like the woman I am, both in the bedroom and out on the town!
He needs to be family orientated and good with kids, but not too good with kids like in a creepy clown way
He needs to be intelligent or at least money smart so we know how to invest for retirement, our kids college fund and our funeral expenses
He can have his friends and do things with them but only when its convenient for me
He needs to care about me but not be too controlling
You know sometimes I just want to go out and have fun with the girls and have fun and he needs to be okay with that and not be all...."

You get the idea, the list goes on to 167, but I'll stop there, you get the idea

We men both have the blessing and the burden of having only enough blood to run either our dick or our brain at any one time; where as women like cuddling a lot more. You'll notice that most of the men quoted above are from story driven games, so its not as simple as Abs = Boobs.

Abs have the effect of negating physical abuse though, so there's that

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
I was recently playing Spec Ops The Line with my girlfriend and she commented that the main character Martin Walker is really hot.

A Weakgeek

New member
Feb 3, 2011
I guess now I understand why women don't like sexualized females in games, because most of the characters in this thread are to me douchey pretty boy emo sissies, or as the japanese call em bisho.

Although I do also like Snake, Marston and Geralt. So thats something.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Nightwing has a finely sculpted ass in Arkham City.

I am a straight man, but you can't not notice it. (when your climbing through vents especially)


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Personally I can't think of a game where men are "Objectified"(According to Jim Sterlings definitions) like women are in many, many games... but in terms of sexualization...

Dante in DmC and Devil May Cry 3 is probably the best example of a male character portrayed as sexy "for the ladies"... he certainly gets a lot of long, lingering pan overs of his lean muscly body in various states of half dressedness...

The Prince in the first Prince of Persia also loses a lot of clothing throughout the game, though there really isn't a lot of "focus" placed on his various attributes.

In some ways Saints Row 3 takes immense (and hilarious) strides towards equalizing the sexes with it's GIANT PACKAGE SLIDER (tm) and ability to dress your male characters as humorously sexy as your female ones. The only thing that really holds it back... are all those strippers that invade your HQ and the fact that there's a lot of creepy "pimping" stuff present in the game that doesn't really go the full on hilarious path.

Though generally I'd say a lot of fighting games, despite having the massive busted female characters also tend to have lots of long lingering pans over male musculature... though the "skimpy, sexy costume" elements seems reserved for the ladies unless we're using a custom character creator like Soul Calibur.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
All these mentions of Solid Snake and not a single ass picture, I am disappoint.

Everyone in Metal Gear has a great ass.

Though I don't know why so many people mix up sexualized with sexy, when they're completely different things. Looking hot isn't sexualization, an ass shot of a hot character in a skin tight catsuit which shows off each cheek is sexualized.


New member
May 1, 2012
I guess making characters appeal sexualy to women is a bit more complicated. On the other hand there are lots of girls having the hots for guys like Sasuke from Naruto, Dante or that mopey elf from Dragon Age 2.

But I say: How about varric?

Captcha: bunny rabbit
Thats right captcha, dat chest fur


New member
Jan 4, 2009
I might not be the authority on male attractiveness, but I know for sure many ladies liked this:

Resident evil 5 did sexualise the males characters as well...