Recent content by JackWestJr

  1. JackWestJr

    Gay in The Last of Us: Left Behind (SPOILERS)

    Thanks for the spoiler in damn title you moron.
  2. JackWestJr

    The Escapist Awards - Game of the Year 2013

    Very happy for the game to have won, is my personal GOTY as well :) Amazing experience, all you haters, carry on being hipsters.
  3. JackWestJr

    Decoding the Uncharted 4 Teaser

    Very excited for this game, history is such an incredibly rich subject for gamification! As much as I love Drake, I hope it isn't set in present day; I'd love an Uncharted pirate game, think Naughty Dog would nail it! Also, there's that screenshot of a pirate character model being worked on in...
  4. JackWestJr

    "Stop trying to make it a thing!"

    Yeah, at the moment, I'm going to have to say Google+, Kinect (good for anything but gaming), and what ever else I thankfully CAN'T remember because it HASN'T been made 'a thing'!
  5. JackWestJr

    Would you support a cure for homosexuality and transexualism?

    No way, this planet's got enough goddamn people on it already; it's in all our interests to have a portion of the world not contributing to the overpopulation! Obviously not the only reason I wouldn't support it, but it's what comes to my mind when this is brought up haha.
  6. JackWestJr

    Zero Punctuation: The Last of Us

    Literally one of the best games I've ever played, for reasons other people have already covered, and I just acknowledge that Yahtzee's video's are for entertainment purposes and don't really reflect my buyer's choice :P
  7. JackWestJr

    Update: Fez Dev Tells Media Member To Kill Himself

    Good on him, everyone in this situation is acting childish, but at least he has the excuse of having had this abuse for ages.
  8. JackWestJr

    Poorly Reviewed Games You Enjoyed

    Pretty much this. Friend and I played and glitched the hell outta Sonic 06, was so much fun.
  9. JackWestJr

    Games that genuinely make you angry.

    Coincidentally, I just rage quit'd a BF3 match just then for all the reasons you just stated! My dipshit squad-mates, both of them, had the Sprint perk on. Ok, not THAT big of a deal. What pissed me off, is that they were also SNIPING. With the perk that lets you sprint faster. When I asked one...
  10. JackWestJr

    Hope you weren't too excited about that Elder Scrolls MMO

    My resident Elder Scrolls fan friend knew it was gonna be a piece of tripe as soon as he heard it was announced. Then again, it hasn't come out yet, so we'll see.
  11. JackWestJr

    EA Wins Title of "Worst Company in America"

    This is what happens when their shit hits the fans.
  12. JackWestJr

    Your ideal videogame announcement?

    'Studio Liverpool has announced that they will indeed be porting their successful WipEout HD and its Fury expansion pack to the PlayStation Vita. This move will leave intact the orgasmic Fury menu theme. In other news, Electronic Art's headquarters have burnt down-' hahaha!
  13. JackWestJr

    The last way you died in a videogame is how you are going to die IRL

    Travelling at 1845km/h in an anti-gravity craft? Fuck. Yes.
  14. JackWestJr

    Creepy story, could be true. Either way still cool.

    "I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque!"
  15. JackWestJr

    One Million Moms Want Same-Sex Archie Comic Out of Toys 'R' Us

    I was shocked untill I read 'mom' not 'mum' and I was ll "Ohhh, it's just America' ^^.