Recent content by Javetts Eall Raksha

  1. Javetts Eall Raksha

    Poll: fallout 4's analysis/ problem with a voiced protagonist

    I haven't played Fallout 4 obviously..., but I can already tell I wont be able to RP at all. I'm a husband and father right off the bat, instead of a vaguely defined blank canvass. I have only up to 4 ways to express myself and have only 4 options for any number of problems. worst of all, is...
  2. Javetts Eall Raksha

    Poll: What region would you like to see in next Elder Scrolls Game?

    personally, I want Akavir more than anywhere in Tamriel. If i have to choose Tamriel... Black Marsh.
  3. Javetts Eall Raksha

    Fave Fallout Vault

    the sacrificial vault, it was great. you can just go in and kill things, but if you explored it, read all the terminals. not only do you get a cool story, but you know about the sacrifice room. going in there, watching the video that MANY others watched before you, moment before their deaths...
  4. Javetts Eall Raksha

    Stuff you hope to see and be able to do in Fallout 4

    well MRMattyPlays was explaining it, but apparently they are returning. if you press the interaction button on the special stats, it shows the skills associated to that special stat. so don't worry i was wrong.
  5. Javetts Eall Raksha

    FF 7 remake

    listen, i'm not trying to be pessimistic. however the current climate at square enix is concerning to say the least. they seem to care only for cinematics, they care about spectacle. I want this game to be good, but based on their recent work, i very much fear this game will fail. most kids...
  6. Javetts Eall Raksha

    Stuff you hope to see and be able to do in Fallout 4

    fix it. I for one will be throwing money at modders to fix the dialogue option limit, and adding back in the skills. maybe we might get condition back. really i'll play the main story and not much else, until i can role play again.
  7. Javetts Eall Raksha

    Bethesda's E3 presentation and Fallout 4

    fallout 4 has me pretty hyped..., but. they seem to have removed durability, skills and made the combat easier, which i need to not happen. as long as a difficulty slider is available, that's not a problem. we can mod in durability, but loss of skills has me sad.
  8. Javetts Eall Raksha

    Poll: Can a game ever make you say "This game should not exist"?

    i said that about half life 3, glad someone listened to me.
  9. Javetts Eall Raksha

    Games that are so good they've ruined every other game in their genre for you

    this, i still think nocturne is the best of the series, but there really was something about strange journey that all the other SMT games lacked.
  10. Javetts Eall Raksha

    You just found a wormhole into your bedroom when you were 8 years old.

    dark cloud 2, i didn't find this gem until i was 19. if i had known about it sooner, the more time i could have invested into it. though 8 year old me might have a hard time believing that dark cloud 2 becomes his favorite game from just the box art.
  11. Javetts Eall Raksha

    So, what's everyone hoping for in the upcoming Summer Sale?

    i really want Grey Goo, but 50 bucks... just don't have money like that.
  12. Javetts Eall Raksha

    Do people dislike the Xbox One because of what it is or the functions it was supposed to have?

    i dislike it simply because it has very few games that i'm interested in, though i'd say the same about the ps4 if the xbox wasn't there to show how lackluster it's game library could be. though i don't like the main genres. i like rpgs and strategy games. to an average gamer, i think they like...
  13. Javetts Eall Raksha

    Looking for PC RPGs with more talking and persuading than fighting.

    you want RPGs that let you talk through your differences instead of fighting? Shin Megami Tensei. I'm sure you're not going to find anything offensive in it...
  14. Javetts Eall Raksha

    What's the best quality of your favorite game?

    well my favorite game is dark cloud 2. i'd say it's best quality is that you have a LOT to do, but that you can do quite a few of them at once. go into a dungeon, fight mobs (get levels) find treasure (for powering up weapons/using to fix the future/components for a new invention), take some...
  15. Javetts Eall Raksha

    Does anyone else miss old school RPGs?

    they've all been moved to handhelds, because there's a lowered expectation for graphics and old school RPGs don't care about graphics. try Shin Megami Tensei 4 (warning most Shin Megami Tensei games have a difficulty level somewhere between dark souls and "i wanna be the guy").