Recent content by jono793

  1. jono793

    New Bill Makes Illegal Streaming A Felony

    So, Let's get this straight: Streaming unlicensed copyright works off of YouTube can get you, potentially, five years inside. Whereas Google, who owns of YouTube, hosts all of that unlicensed copyrighted content and earns revenue off the back of it in the form of advertising, is...
  2. jono793

    When You Review A Game of Thrones, You Win or Die.

    I quite enjoyed Game of Thrones. Though, as someone who hasn?t read Song of Ice and Fire, I found the first episode over stuffed with exposition. But I suppose that?s an inevitable consequence of dealing with several chapters in just over an hour?s screen time. I have a philosophical...
  3. jono793

    Extra Punctuation: Pokemon 100 Percenters Are Mad

    made me think of this article: Essentially, games like Pokemon are built on Skinnerian mechanics that encourage players to play beyond the point of it being fun. Every WoW player should read it.
  4. jono793

    GeoHot and Sony Settle PS3 Jailbreak Case

    My feelings are that Sony realised that was a fight just wasn?t worth it. If they did win, there was no chance of recovering their costs, let alone any damages. If they lost, it would have spelled the end of console gaming as we know it. On that last point, Geohot famously got a judgement in...
  5. jono793

    IGN and Zero Punctuation

    Probably, but that practise is so prolific on the internet it isn't even worth citing examples. Heck, even this website hotlinks to other website's copy.
  6. jono793

    Dragon Age 2 Lead Writer Blasts Homophobic Fan

    Perhaps he could just do in-game what civilized people do when being hit on by a gay guy in real life; politely decline (or not as the case may be). That is assuming anyone would want to hit on some entitled, homophopic sweaty lump of neckbeard who smells like rotting garbage. Zing!
  7. jono793

    The Story

    As usual, Yahtzee hits the nail on the head. Games are an interactive storytelling medium. Without your own in-game actions visibly driving the story, why would you not just read a book? A couple of ways games do interactive stories well: Oblivion (and predecessor Morrowind) had a...
  8. jono793

    Kid Becomes "Little Zangief" in Response to Bullying

    I don't see what all the fuss is about. Every child should learn to take a piledriver; it builds character. Why, when I t'were a lad I was piledrivered on two seperate occasions, three miles through rain and snow (uphill both ways, naturally), and it never did me any harm. Hang on, where am...
  9. jono793

    What's bad with camping ?

    Absolutely nothing. Warfare is essentially a mashup of mobility and firepower. In an FPS you generate mobility by (funnily enough) moving, approaching from the flanks or the rear. You generate effective firepower by taking a position from which you can cover all or most angles of approach...
  10. jono793

    BioWare Employee Busted in Dragon Age 2 Review Scandal - UPDATED

    I don't understand why this is a big deal. Publishing a user review is pretty small beer compared to some of the stunts publishers pull; pulling ad revenue for negative reviews and waiving review embargos in return for positive scores. User reviews don?t even feed into the metacritic score...
  11. jono793

    Zero Punctuation: Two Worlds II

    Surprised you didn't mention the allegations of bullying and questionable PR practises surrounding 'Two Worlds Two' reviews. A topic for Extra Punctuation perhaps?
  12. jono793

    Insignificant things that make you RAGE in games

    When games include combat minigames or training arenas that can kill you, but then leave you with no health bar for the main game. One of the more annoying features of Yakuza 3.
  13. jono793

    Dead Space 2 Is No Resident Evil 4

    Oh, the helmet! I understand the intention of the thing, it allowed the writers to give Issac a face and/or personality this time around. So why, oh why did they go to all that effort for the sake of YET ANOTHER generic brown haired Nolan North lookalike? For the time and effort that must...
  14. jono793

    PS3 Mass Effect 2 Workaround Revealed, Patch in the Works

    Mass Effect 2 has been available since 2007? Presumably on some hypothetical super console from space, because last time I checked it only came out last year! Andy Chalk; Console-fanboy. Tabloid journalist. Dilligent fact checker. Everything a growing news website needs.
  15. jono793

    Mass Effect 2 Destroying Save Files on the PS3

    Interesting. I was personally able to play through the entire game without incident. At one point the graphics engine crapped itself and displayed the lighting effects map throughout the normandy. A simple reset and there was no problem.