Extra Punctuation: Pokemon 100 Percenters Are Mad

Chris Beckett

New member
Oct 25, 2010
I only completed 100% of the Pokedx once, that was waaaaaaaaay back on Red. Since then sure I did my best to get that number high but wow theirs so many of the minions. Regardless I do enjoy being mad, my main motivation currently for the 360 is to get as many achievments as possible even though its pointless.


Aug 27, 2010
I wouldn't catch 'em all for a blow job. I can get that at home. I may would if I got something better, and maybe if I could skip the event pokémon.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
crudus said:
The funny thing about Zelda: OoT is that the creator specifically put an unbeatable challenge in the game just to cockslap 100 percenters. He apparently hates them.
Really? what?

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Yahtzee said:
But I know what you're wondering. "What's your point, Yahtzee? You acknowledge that different people play games for different reasons, can't you just leave the 100-percenters to their fun?" But here is the devastating point I'm leading up to: 100-percenters are not having fun.
In general, I can agree with that. Many 100% completion runs are...well, maddeningly pointless to even attempt (one of the worst in recent memory being Final Fantasy 12. Danjuro, anyone?).
However, there are a few games where the 100% completion is intentionally meant to be fun and useful.

A couple of examples:

-Metroid Series
-Grand Theft Auto 3/Vice City (can't speak for the others)

In both of those, acquiring those knick-knacks offers your character access to upgrades that make the game easier. In GTA3, having access to the Uzi is a boon before getting to the second island, and exploring the city gives you a feel for the locations, the getaway points, and where the health and armor items are.

It's all based on how you build your sidequest.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I think the Yahtzee is right on some things. Unless there is a reward for collecting something, what is the point. I think a good example of this is in the Golden Sun series. You collected Djinni that gave you power ups, summonings, and abilities. If you collected every single one from both games you get two brand new summons that are quite possibly the most bad ass summoning animations that ever graced the Game Boy Advance. Was it a pain to hunt them down? Yes, was it awesome to get the game breaking summons for the end boss? You bet your sweet ass it was. That was a reward system I like.

Then there are other games like Pokemon. Collect all 150 in the original and you get a diploma.... that was it... you get a piece of paper saying you wasted your life in a 8 bit game. Pokemon are not much about collecting to me but more on fighting, story boards, and seeing exotic women impossible costumes. Hence why I only play each Pokemon game one time, get a good number of the critters and toss it in a drawer for latter viewing of my wasted life.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Wouldn't the solution greatly increase the amount of 100%ers? I never got the original 151 Pokemon on one file, but if that's the reward for doing so, I'm going to complete more games than ever before.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I have had this "problem" of feeling the urge to 100% games instead of playing other games, and not having a especially good time doing it. But I at least managed to stop and look at what I was doing when I was looking up guides for the flags in Ass. Creed. Eff that.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Doitpow said:
crudus said:
The funny thing about Zelda: OoT is that the creator specifically put an unbeatable challenge in the game just to cockslap 100 percenters. He apparently hates them.
Really? what?
After you rebuild the bridge to the valley while you are adult link, you can find the running man in the tent. He challenges you to a race. He gives you a time to beat at first (like 2m38s) and you think "yeah, that's pretty beatable". Turns out he always runs faster than you. There are various glitches you can use like just riding Epona the entire race and you still lose. He beats you by at least a second.

GeorgW said:
I wouldn't catch 'em all for a blow job. I can get that at home. I may would if I got something better, and maybe if I could skip the event pokémon.
I would actually use that as an excuse to start catching all of them.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
I have been known to 100% a few games, but only because I thought it would be fun. Mostly, though I get bored and forget about it. I think the best example is Batman: Arkham Asylum. Did I complete all the riddles? Yes, but only because I thought they were, for the most part, clever brainteasers (the joker teeth can go preform acts of indecency upon themselves). I got something out of it. Doing it just to reach that arbitrary 100%... eh, nah. Doing it along the way while having a blast. Okay.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
I, sadly, did get all the fucking flags for Assassin's Creed. What I did get out of it was a good exploration of the city, and nothing more.

I don't know why developers don't remember one of the first ever 'get 100 of these' things was a good idea. GTA III. Every ten items rewarded you with something interesting spawning at your hideout. By the end of the game i had a free rocket launcher respawn every time. That was worth it.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
I normally complete the region pokedex in each game, that way i have completed the national dex over all the games =D

I do like batteling with different pokemon and trying out different moves and battles styles to see which ones work best, thats one of the reasons i 100% the region dex in the games.

The Naked Emperor

New member
Jan 5, 2011
I've completed quite a few games 100% but only ones I really loved, like Star Ocean 2, God of War, and even OoT.

The Gold Skulltula quest is actually a lot of fun once you get into it, especially if you do it on your own without a guide. The game tells you whether you've gotten all the spiders in an area so all you have to do is think about where they might have hidden a grotto or which tree might hide your quarry. You end up seeing areas of the game world you'd have never gone to otherwise and it's one of those things which is pretty rewarding for its own sake.

Wind Waker is a game I don't think I'll ever complete 100%. Maybe I'll get all the heart pieces someday, maybe, but for the most part the extra stuff is such pure tedium that I can't enjoy the game unless I ignore it.

The game that handled 100%ing best is Majora's Mask as nearly every item you can get is tied to a storyline which is really interesting in itself, and it's rare you got something that wasn't at least fun to play around with. I can beat OoT partway but you'll never see me halfass an MM save. I really wish more developers would take a page from its book.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
I'm pretty sure the tag line "Gotta catch em all" was only used for the first generation of Pokemon games (The anime obviously ran with it too) since there was 150 and was possible.

Theres too many now to be able to do it in a reasonable timescale so its not really worth it. Probably why each new game has tried to add more story elements.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Fronzel said:
arc1991 said:
But come on Yahtzee, don't tell us that your not playing this game right now...we all you know you are, and we all know you secretly love it ;)

Soon Yahtzee will want every single Pokemon, making him a 100%er ;)

My friend, you have sucked in to the world of Pokemon ;)
You have exceeded the allowable limit of the same emoticon in a single post. The appropriate authorities will present themselves at your residence shortly. Please do not resist.
So what's the allowable limit, 1?


New member
Mar 23, 2010
I couldn't stand doing a 100% in almost any game.

the only thing I collected entirely in both AC1 and AC2 are those 6 statues in AC2. Exactly what he wrote, I saw there were a 100 flags and said "fuck it, I ain't doing it"


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Oh I WISH you got a bigger wallet for the damn gold skulltulla quest, but it's actually much worse. All you get is...wait for it...a GOLD RUPEE!!!!!!!!!!!

Which can fuck right off. I know you can actually collect it every time you turn the game on, but that doesn't keep it from being completely useless. Rupees are absolutely worthless by that point in the game, and I wish I had looked up the reward before I commited myself to that sidequest. "There's one hundred of these things, there must be a good reward" I told myself.

The only recent game that I got 100% on was Red Dead Redemption, because I was so hooked on the game that I wanted to experience everything it had to offer. The only other times I go for it is when there's a good reward to be had.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
The closest I ever came to any of this was in Max Payne 2. I played through the second time to see the alternate ending. In my head, though, I was actually saving Mona Sax's life.
Jan 22, 2011
oh god I lol'd hard this.. I stop caring for Pokemon after the 3rd gen but well I will admit i did feel that way at one point in time I would be lying If I didn't lol.


New member
Jul 19, 2008
made me think of this article:


Essentially, games like Pokemon are built on Skinnerian mechanics that encourage players to play beyond the point of it being fun. Every WoW player should read it.