Recent content by JPRanger

  1. JPRanger

    What happened to Extra Credits?

    Sorry if this is a noob question .. maybe I missed an episode where they talked about ending or something, but from my perspective they just poofed out of no where ...sooo what went down? That was one of my favorite video series then all of a sudden I notice that Im not seeing anymore of their...
  2. JPRanger

    Jimquisition: Accountability

    DON'T KILL HIM RUSS!! WE LIKE HIM NOW!! that all I was thinking towards the middle of this one haha very nice episode, didn't much enjoy the previous ones, hense why I was half expecting Mr. Editor-in-Chief over there to have tossed this bad baby off a cliff spartan style. However I do believe...
  3. JPRanger

    The Big Picture: The Numbers

    I suppose the only thing we can really do about this is just really pay attention to what movies are the unique risk-takers, and which are the safe cash-in clones. The fact is, it doesnt matter if the risk-taking movies are good or bad.. if they make money, we WILL see better films emerge, such...
  4. JPRanger

    Jimquisition: The Weird is Not Enough

    This show annoyed me at first but I think its steadily getting better, keep this direction up please lol I think part of the issue thats boring people here is that there isnt really any specific aspect of the humor here thats 'his'.. and what I mean by that is in Zero Punctuation theres a very...
  5. JPRanger

    Daily Drop: DVD Player

    you all should drop an ice sculpture! and dont waste time with a tiny one.. go out and get one of the huge ones that you'd see at a fancy wedding or something =D
  6. JPRanger

    Trailers: SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs: Behind the Scenes

    well at least we arent taking another trip to unspecifiedistan.. although they did seem to sorta dodge who the enemy was specifically. I wonder what the multiplayer will be like in this.. hmmm.. hopefully unique =P
  7. JPRanger

    Daily Drop: Wooden Car

    I would totally run out of ideas for stuff to drop by now lol I think I'd be resorting to walking around random antique shops and just picking out w.e looks like it would make the best KABLAM... but now that I think about it, thats probably exactly what you guys do lol
  8. JPRanger

    Trailers: Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Teaser

    seriously? whoever made this trailer should be fired.. switching back to the title shot every 2.5 seconds serves no purpose other than to annoy and distract the viewer.. if they had the action bits as one fluid stream this would have been much more compelling.
  9. JPRanger

    Trailers: Mass Effect 2: Arrival

    considering we already know that the Reapers end up at Earth in ME3 did any of you that played this DLC feel like w.e you were doing was pointless? I mean it kinda sounds like Halo:Reach in that regard .. your whole mission is to stop the Reapers from finding Earth or w.e.. yet we've already...
  10. JPRanger

    Trailers: Duke Nukem Forever Special Annoucement

    oh well, not that big a deal if you ask me.. I grew up with the older Duke Nukem games so theres not a whole lot thats gonna stop me from getting this game whenever it comes out lol yea after 10 years or so I do think the damn thing should be able to make me smoothies and come with an STD-free...
  11. JPRanger

    Trailers: Prey 2 Teaser

    whatever, your just trying to start a pointless argument at this point .. its a teaser trailer, and you figured out it was for Prey 2..therefore it fulfilled its purpose. Besides, hardly any teaser trailers show anything specific other than the final title.. just look at the battlefield 3...
  12. JPRanger

    Trailers: Prey 2 Teaser

    stop complaining about the trailer, the whole point of the very 1st trailer of anything is to simply reveal its existance, and guess what? you watched it.. mission accomplished. Anyway, the first Prey was pretty sweet so I hope this is handled well... although if previous comments concerning a...
  13. JPRanger

    Trailers: Fireburst Teaser

    hmm, Kinda looks like Twisted Metal and Burnout had a baby.. and then.. dipped it in napalm?.. Well in any case its been awhile since I've been able to get into a good racing game so maybe this will be it.
  14. JPRanger

    Fallout 3 Multiplayer

    Your right, it would be pretty annoying to pause it every time to go into VATS, but personally I would be having way to much fun being able to play co-op to really care lol. Also with the taking it out completly idea, yea that would deffinetly change the original feel of fallout 3, but thats not...
  15. JPRanger

    Fallout 3 Multiplayer

    actually you just dident read all the posts. There were several ideas thrown out there on how to deal with VATS.For example, disabling it entirely seeing as how with an actual person backing you up you shouldent need the extra assistance from VATS, and another interesting one was to pause the...