Recent content by Kashyyk

  1. K

    Your ultimate fantasy job

    Computer Games Developer, the coding side of it preferably. Which is what I plan to do in uni. I just need the grades...
  2. K

    Remove a law.

    I'd remove the law letting universities charge £9000 and drop it back down to £3000.
  3. K

    Who introduced you to gaming?

    My dad, I have memories of playing Worms with him when I was about three or four.
  4. K

    The Most Toxic Chemical You've Handled

    A radioactive Isotope, I think it was Rubidium. In physics class, not really toxic I know. But still bad for you.
  5. K

    First game you can remember playing

    My first game was Worms. When I was about two and a half I think.
  6. K

    Alpha, Beta, Omega -- why does the internet get this wrong?

    My guess? They either don't know greek, or they thing it sounds cool. Or both. Anyway, I'd say I was the Beta male in my group, to an Alpha female leader. However, as there are 8 gals and 3 guys, I'm not doing bad. :D
  7. K


    Sweatpants. Usually go to bed at about midnight-1am, if I have to go to school. I'm up for7:30, otherwise I can sleep until 10. So yeh, fairly normal.
  8. K

    Poll: Who heres getting Portal 2?

    Already pre-purchased on steam! :D
  9. K

    Your signature melee weapon

    Although I'd rather have a nice bow.
  10. K

    Daily Drop: Dried Flowers

    My only complaint is that you don't drop it from higher up.
  11. K

    Best Indie game

    Minecraft, Mount & Blade and Dwarf Fortress sums it up for me. EDIT: Sometimes I hate being a Grammer Nazi.
  12. K

    Exercise Regimes and Getting Fit: Your Advice

    This is a good one. And if you feel silly while doing it, here's a fun fact for you: Boxers use skipping ropes. And they skip a lot!
  13. K

    Have you ever bitten - or been bitten by - someone?

    I mostly get bit my friend (female) or cousin (also female) because I tickled them. It was their last resort as I am not ticklish. : D
  14. K


    When I went on a spanish exchange with school I got given the nickname Chip by one of the girls on the exchange, due to me being the only person with a chip in my passport. Imagination of Girl? Low. Cuteness of Girl? High. So I let her get away with it... ;D
  15. K

    Whats your first memory of Gaming

    I think I was about 3, playing Worms on a really old PC against my Dad.