Recent content by Katnap_Devikat

  1. K

    Saddest Moments in a Video Game

    I'm a sucker for any 'dead parent' scenario, especially DA2 as i watched the cutscene unfold iwas literally shouting 'NO NO NO NOT AFTER BETHANY NO GODDAMNIT' and Tali's scene in ME2 gets every time. Even as a heartless renegade i couldn't not hit the interrupt button.
  2. K

    Your Favorite N64 Game

    Perfect Dark Best game ever.
  3. K

    Poll: Bioware or EA?

    Loved both games. i believe that Bioware has the right to do whatever they want with their money when making a game. I wouldn't have bought them if i didn't like them before they were released.
  4. K

    How did you get your gamer name?

    When i met my best friend in highschool, we gave each other code names with the 'Katnap' prefix and proclaimed ourselves (There were Four of us) a brotherhood that would stay together no matter what. Considering we see each other all the time and work at in roughly the same industries in the...
  5. K

    How is the American War for Independance taught in the UK?

    Not taught in australia, i wish it was because then we wouldn't have been taught about australian independence EVERY BLOODY YEAR in highschool.
  6. K

    Your Reproductive organ is nailed to a table in a burning house

    Wake up as i am obviously currently in the throes of the worst nightmare i have ever experienced.
  7. K

    I'm Done Hating Bieber & Co

    I planned on posting here because i had just hit the Red Button (what else to do when on the web but hit that damn thing again?) but instead of leaving a funny and original comment i instead find several madmen comtemplating the same thing. I love this place so much sometimes.
  8. K

    Stupidest reason you've ever been insulted

    Riding a Motorcycle. Not Ducking during a CONTROLLED explosion that we were in no danger from. (this was from another observer not the instructor) Being White and hanging around with only one other whitey and a bunch of non whites. Crashing my bike, by the person who caused the car...
  9. K

    Is Steve Jobs the 2nd Greatest Innovator of All Time?

    I came here to defend Tesla, but found that several hundred people beat me to it. Keep on rocking Guys. PS. Seriously why isn't Tesla on this list
  10. K

    Your stance on graphics.

    I second Mount and Blade as good example of Good Gameplay vs Mediocre Graphics. I also still play the original Empire Earth, so yeah graphics don't do it for me all that often.
  11. K

    What's your controversial opinion?

    I hold very strongly to opinions that Genocide is the answer to alot of the world's issues, but at the same time i'm extermly tolerant of pretty much anything. Except People that rape children, seriously fuck them sideways with a soldering iron. Oh i also prefer the privatisation of the...
  12. K

    First Battlefield 3 Expansion Goes Back to Karkand

    WAKE ISLAND! and now im frantically foaming at the mouth as i install BF1942
  13. K

    In the Grim Darkness of the Future, There Are Only Ponies

    Cant stop laughing at Twilight's expression in the Warhammer "We Are SPACE MARINES!" And it turns out that even a Pony version of Skyrim sends chills of awesome down my spine.
  14. K

    An Autistic's thoughts on Autism

    My brother was diagnosed as high functioning austistic two weeks after an epilepsy diagnosis (fun year) and for the first couple of months he used the whole 'but im autistic' as an excuse to get away with everything. I mean literally everything: he eats someone else food? Oh he's autistic, He...