What's your controversial opinion?


New member
Oct 9, 2008
i think its really lame how all these kids here can think of to say here is OMG I HATE CHRISTIANS RELIGION SUX when asked about a controversial opinion.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
Scrubiii said:
Arkynomicon said:
I think wiping out 75% of the human population would solve a lot of our problems.
It probably would.

However, no problem that we currently face is great enough that wiping out 75% of the human population is preferable to just living with the problem until we find another solution.
Sure, provided we ever find those solutions.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
Arkynomicon said:
Scrubiii said:
Arkynomicon said:
I think wiping out 75% of the human population would solve a lot of our problems.
It probably would.

However, no problem that we currently face is great enough that wiping out 75% of the human population is preferable to just living with the problem until we find another solution.
Sure, provided we ever find those solutions.
Even if we do not find a solution, unless the problem will result in the death of more than 75% of the population, living with the problem is preferable.

Death is the ultimate price and should only be used if it is the only way to prevent more death.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Scrubiii said:
Ogargd said:
Tree man said:
Ogargd said:
ChromaticWolfen said:
ThePirateMan said:
I think religionsIslam and Christianity should fuck right off the world. Without any religious people being hurt, except for maybe the Pope, islamists and whatever other people use religion for power and/or harm. I see no reason for why people believe in any of this mumbo jumbo other than greed (the different variants of heaven), it being hammered into their minds throughout their life (any religion and society ever) and the threat of harm (the different punishments of religions, such as hell.)
I sadly won't mention the second opinion of mine because I believe that it would be too controversial, even for this place.
Agree completely, more people died in the name of god than Mr. Hitler.
Sorry if this has been quoted and said before, but Hitler was catholic and he did what he did in the name of god, so technically what he did was kill people in the name of god.
no Hitler was not a catholic, what he did was use the church as a way of controlling his public, at the time of Hitlers election as chancellor and then subsequent ascent to dictatorship religion was a very big thing.

what he wanted was to be worshiped like a god and catholic was in the way of that, he actually set p his won personal religion to get people away from catholic
Dude he said that he was doing gos work/will in executing the Jewish people and the Third Reich's oath was to almighty god, before it was to Hitler (Same oath god mentioned then Hitler mentioned, not a changed oath), have you even read any of his book?
Hitler was a religious man.

EDIT: On the belt buckle of every Nazi it also said "God on our side"
He said that it was God's will in Mein Kampf because that was the best was to get people to agree with you back then. Once he actually came to power, he established a Concordat with the Catholic church, which he eventually broke.

After this he established the German Reich Church, which was based on pagan beliefs. It's symbol was a Swastika and its only purpose was as a source of Nazi propaganda.
He said it was Gods will because he believed it was, simple answer is often the best, there's evidence for that point of view but little for yours. He made a deal with the Vatican and broke it off due to political reasons, that doesn't make him less religious.

And it was based on Catholic beliefs actually, you'll find though that Catholic beliefs themselves are based on Pagan and Egyptian beliefs.


New member
Nov 24, 2010
You do not need Religion for ANY of the good things happening in the world today.
It's an intellectual tumor that destroys the self-judgement of almost anyone it makes contact with.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
That I think there is a god.

Flame on atheists /Cynicism.

Well, I look at it this way. I believe in science, I believe in evolution. I still believe that God created the world (through science. The evolution stages of humans were probably building blocks to set it up for our time etc.) but the bible wasn't the best translation of the word of god. Especially since many modern versions are translations of translations of translations, as well as the lack of understanding at that time.

As a Mormon too, I have other strange beliefs, such as native americans being Jews and such.

But I also have a theory that life is a simulation set by god to test our worthyness.

Though my cop-out theory is that Faith, which religion should be based off, is not meant to make sense. Otherwise, its not faith.

However, as many of my friends are atheists, I do see much of the reasoning for the hatred of modern Christianity. Many such "Christians" have said and done things that are very hypocritical, and theoretically, are sinning in the eyes of (the Possibly there) god.

TL; DR and potentially conflicting views, which probably express the way my mind is divided on everything


New member
Feb 12, 2010
I hold very strongly to opinions that Genocide is the answer to alot of the world's issues, but at the same time i'm extermly tolerant of pretty much anything.

Except People that rape children, seriously fuck them sideways with a soldering iron.

Oh i also prefer the privatisation of the military as opposed to a government run one, but thats just because i know a couple of contractors.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
I think that contrversial movies, games, and other media are annoying, because a lot of it is trying to get a free ride on shock.

No, it's not a very controversial opinion.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
i believe that the world would be a much, MUCH better place, if the u.s.a, were completely destroyed and whiped of the earth. as a nation, mind you, not the people. like, if it split up in several tiny meaningles countries. genocide is no fun.

*dons flameproof suit*


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Snowy Rainbow said:
dogstile said:
Snowy Rainbow said:
TheDarkEricDraven said:
Snowy Rainbow said:
TheDarkEricDraven said:
I beleve that rape can result in love. Not near usual, but some of the time. Like in Watchmen.
You're suggesting the forceful act of degrading another human being to the level of object to be used for self-gratification against all their will and right, disregarding all the causal immediate pain and intense suffering to follow, can result in love because you read it in a comic?

I hope to god you never have to learn how wrong you are.
Not because of, thats just an example. Another would be Luke and Laura Spencer from General Hospital.
Because day time soap drama on television is more reliable a source of reality than comics?

Seriously, if you consider the greatest possible harm one can do to another to be capable of producing love in some instances... well, we're done here. For good.
Stockholm syndrome?

Its not natural or right at all, but he'd be right.
Stockholm syndrome is not only extremely rare, it certainly does not qualify as love. It is a condition.
I would argue that love is also a condition, and that true love is extremely rare.

... And I just realised I really don't fancy arguing this, so you know what, you win :p


New member
Apr 19, 2011
Katnap_Devikat said:
I hold very strongly to opinions that Genocide is the answer to alot of the world's issues, but at the same time i'm extermly tolerant of pretty much anything.

Except People that rape children, seriously fuck them sideways with a soldering iron.

Oh i also prefer the privatisation of the military as opposed to a government run one, but thats just because i know a couple of contractors.
I have noticed that a lot of people on this thread seem to hold the opinion that genocide is the answer to the worlds problems. All I ask you or anyone else with this opinion to think about is whether you would be happy to be among the ones killed for the good of humanity.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
BabyRaptor said:
I have several. Then again, I'm a Liberal, Pagan, Bisexual female living in the bible belt.

1) The US is NOT a christian nation. It's right there (several times) in the Constitution. People refusing to believe this does not make it false. No religion, or it's beliefs, should be taught in schools. No religion or it's beliefs should be allowed to dictate law. No religion should have carte blanche to to shit talk and demonize any other religion (or atheists.)

2) Illegal aliens should be rounded up and shipped back to where they came from, and border security needs to beefed to the max. I lived in Sanctuary City (AKA Houston, Texas) most of my life...I've seen what these people do. The "they just come here for a better life" story people use to pull heart strings is a total crock. Also, while we're at it, get rid of citizenship upon birth. At least one parent MUST be a citizen.

3) Free speech needs relooked. I understand the importance of the law, don't get me wrong. But when you have Faux Noise brainwashing a good chunk of the country like it does and hiding from any and all punishment behind the First Amendment, or Westboro Baptist being completely immune from punishment for the harm they cause people...No. There needs to be a way for other citizens to hold these people, and any others who would abuse the power, accountable.

4) Stop thinking your beliefs trump my rights. I should be able to marry any consenting adult I want. And the only other people who should have any weight in a decision over my body are the guy involved and my doctor.

5) Tax churches. They long ago stopped adhering to the "No political preaching" rule. And on that note, NO TAX DOLLARS for "faith based initiatives." If you can piss and moan about your tax dollars going to my healthcare, I should be able to deny you mine for your religious shit.

Think that's plenty enough to have me several quotes of flaming when I log in next.
I'm a straight atheist male who lives in a completely different country and I agree with you on all of those, so I wouldn't say they are controversial so much as logical. Although we also have a huge problem with illegal immigrants here.

In my country they need to stop giving temporary passports to prisoners and uneducated people who are often under the voting age JUST BEFORE ELECTIONS. The ruling party here needs to get their sh** straightened out. They were awesome with Mandela, but now they themselves are a bunch of racist idiots who can't run a country.


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
Anime and Video Games are a part of freedom of speech and expression.