Recent content by KCL

  1. K

    Escape from Nightmare Mansion. Win an XBOX 360 with Kinect!

    I see The Escapist has hired another verbal ace.
  2. K

    Critical Miss: The Bastard's Guide to Journalism

    Oh please, like The Escapist isn't all about traffic whoring.
  3. K

    Conan Scriptwriter Ruminates On Failure

    You don't understand how Hollywood works. The Godfather had three writers. Spider-Man had four (five with Raimi). Spider-Man 2 had five (six with Raimi). This list goes on and on. It's the norm, not the exception. The best films do not have a core team in place from pre-production all the way...
  4. K

    Valve Delivers Blizzard-esque Dota 2 Trailer

    Wrong. All of it is true. Wrong. DotA isn't based on the original AoS map any more than BioShock is based on Doom. They share some basic gameplay. That's it. In fact, DotA grew out of other WC3 AoS maps, which were wildly popular on from day one of WC3's launch. Also wrong. In...
  5. K

    Valve Delivers Blizzard-esque Dota 2 Trailer

    It sounds to me like uninformed people spouting their nonsense opinions. Which is pretty much par for the course, actually. For example: This guy has no idea what he's talking about. Eul isn't involved with Riot or League of Legends in any way whatsoever. Guinsoo is just an employee doing...
  6. K

    Valve Delivers Blizzard-esque Dota 2 Trailer

    You don't understand correctly. DotA was originally created by Eul. It was then taken, without permission, and made into DotA Allstars by Guinsoo. After being hired by Riot, Guinsoo then handed it off to IceFrog. The saddest part of this whole thing is that the real creator and popularizer of...
  7. K

    Riot Games Announces League of Legends: Dominion

    The only place LoL gets more "press" is here. And calling it "press" is a bit off, since The Escapist is just a glorified content aggregator. The good parts of that post are all Cadwell regurgitating principles developed by WC3 modders a decade ago. The bad parts are some of the worst AoS...
  8. K

    Jimquisition: Metacritic Isn't the Problem

    I opened this thread curious to see who actually watches this guy's videos. Good to know that a fair number of replies are from people who don't.
  9. K

    Nintendo Glad 3DS Isn't Sold Out

    The "sell-out" is a common marketing gimmick companies use to puff themselves up. That's why you have to look at the actual numbers. I can print five copies of a book, sell them all, and then brag that my book sold out its first print run. But this isn't an effective measurement of the book's...
  10. K

    Anonymous Members Arrested for Performing DDOS Attacks

    Because, of the many, many, many thousands of participants, so few have been arrested that I can count them on my fingers? That's called success. Any jackass can sign up, so it's inevitable that some of them will be caught. But this is Anonymous' greatest strength. It is in no way a weakness.
  11. K

    Cthulhu RPG Dev Trying to Break Out of Xbox Live

    $4300 a month is below par, and that's not even counting the fact that they don't get benefits. The current level of sales also isn't sustainable.
  12. K

    PS3 Hackers Respond to Sony's Litigious Accusations

    Not really. No they didn't. Reverse-engineering and modding are protected rights in the U.S. The DMCA makes an exception for circumvention of content protection mechanisms, but this exception doesn't apply when circumvention is a necessary step in the exercise of fair use rights. See the...
  13. K

    Buffy and the After-School Special

    Is this what passes for critical insight these days? You apply a label to the episode that clearly doesn't fit, then criticize the episode for not fitting the label?
  14. K

    FBI Raids Texas Company in Hunt for Anonymous

    You would know, since that's exactly what you did in your first reply. Adjudication and law enforcement are separate branches of the criminal justice system. The courts are not part of law enforcement. You would know, since that's exactly what you did in your first reply. Quickly compared...
  15. K

    FBI Raids Texas Company in Hunt for Anonymous

    No, it's not. What you're doing is called moving the goalposts []. Get back to me when you actually have a handle on informal logical fallacies. Oh, and by the way: "The law" didn't go after pirates immediately because piracy is copyright...