Recent content by Khakionion

  1. K

    Homefront Studio Responds to Crunch Time Complaints

    Pretty terrifying to read these comments defending crunch time, or at least not recognizing how bad it is. Something you need to understand is that many companies in the game development industry have crunched for so many years on so many titles that it has become something of an institution...
  2. K

    Panasonic Reveals New Online Gaming Handheld

    Once you call plugin-based games "browser-based", there is no difference between them and standalone apps like World of Warcraft. They are both native code running with full access to the OS's APIs. So, if this is running a Windows-compiled plugin for BSG, then it's a stripped down Win7, and...
  3. K

    Sackboy Does Limbo

    When will LBP ripoffs of other games stop getting blogged by major news sites? Wasn't it enough to see Contra, Mario, Metal Gear Solid and other noteworthy games ripped off and lobotomized ad infinitum? Hasn't an interesting original level been made in LBP that's worth your time and ours? I...
  4. K

    Gabe Newell Wants the PS3 to Be Like a Mac

    This has got to be the most asinine conversation I have read in quite some time. All the way up to the original article's author, you are all blabbing about the nuances of development on hardware/software platforms about which you know *nothing* first-hand. A Mac is a computer. You can buy...
  5. K

    Burning in the Halo Pre-Order Hell

    So, stop. Stop preordering. You've indicated that you live in a large enough area to not worry about a game ever selling out, much less for more than a week. There is, then, literally no downside to feeding these pre-order trolls. If you check that $1 box, you're helping candidates run for...