Recent content by Khazidhea

  1. Khazidhea

    Good series/games/movies that are hard to recommend because of specific reasons.

    Of the anime I'm currently watching it would have to be Shokugeki no Soma (I'm not sure if I can remember the english name, Food Wars maybe?). It's pretty much a typical shonen show, except replace physical fighting with cooking. However the standard reaction of every female who tries the dish...
  2. Khazidhea

    Which is the Best Animated Series?

    I like other titles already mentioned in this thread more (but it's theme would be near the top of my list), but just to throw another name into the mix: Wakfu. It's french, and on the Avatar end of the spectrum.
  3. Khazidhea

    Where can I find a good female villian?

    Apart from the Batman villains already mentioned (they all rate, though Talia al Ghul my personal top pick), Alice Morgan from Luther was the first to come to mind.
  4. Khazidhea

    Please recommend me a good sci-fi or fantasy book

    I find I'm the opposite, and have too many sci-fi/fantasy recommendations, so I'll try to restrict myself to just a few from each. Tried for a variety of different tastes, for me these were good, and easily readable. Fantasy: The Kingkiller Chronicles...
  5. Khazidhea

    I need some Metal Love Songs

    These probably aren't all in the genre/theme requested, but hopefully the majority are:
  6. Khazidhea

    Best Climax in a Video Game

    I probably wouldn't put this on the same scale as many mentioned already, but the first game that came to mind was Syberia. Also Halo: Combat Evolved, the first Mass Effect, and the Stanley Parable explosion ending.
  7. Khazidhea

    Poll: Dead-is-dead MMO?

    I can't see it working for me (and likely many others), solely for connection issues alone. Maybe if it was popular enough and there were local servers, but most MMOs I know of don't seem to have them, and while they're playable with overseas servers, permadeath plus lag seems like a less than...
  8. Khazidhea

    Poll: Your Music Library

    About 11k tracks, though if I had a good cleanup I'm guessing it could fall to around 8k. My top picks that make it to my portable devices amount to roughly 1.6k * What musical styles make up the majority of the music you own? Symphonic metal/Female fronted metal * Is this a good...
  9. Khazidhea

    Words you hate

  10. Khazidhea

    Amazing Females in Hard Rock / Metal

    You've already named most of my top picks that would first have come to mind. I'm not too good with music genres, but as this is similar to my chosen taste in music I'm also fond of: All Ends, Amaranthe, The Birthday Massacre, Dark Princess, Dawn of Destiny, Elis, Eyes Of Eden, Fireflight...
  11. Khazidhea

    Poll: How often do you guys read?

    When I can read as much as I want I would read 2 fiction books a week, plus one chapter a day of nonfiction, and a daily reading from the Bible. My fiction reading can vary a bit depending on other demands on my time, or if for some reason I struggle to get into a book, but when I do I usually...
  12. Khazidhea

    Your favourite cartoon and why it's your favourite.

    Probably cos I just finished watching the second season, my most recent favourite is Wakfu, a french cartoon that in terms of tone and humour reminds me a lot of Avatar. Plus the visuals/colour palate/designs are great, and the fight scenes are awesome.
  13. Khazidhea

    Unpopular gaming opinions

    I didn't mind the elevator and Mako sections in Mass Effect 1.
  14. Khazidhea

    Poll: Discworld!

    I voted other. Favourite character is probably Susan, favourite group of characters would be the Nac Mac Feegle. Runners up: Death, Vetinari, Granny Weatherwax, the Librarian, and Bloody Stupid Johnson.
  15. Khazidhea

    What was the best movie you saw and give a brief explanation ?

    Best film I've seen in recent months: The Cabin in the Woods. Can't really say much about it without spoilers, but it's a horror movie by Joss Whedon that plays around with tropes of the genre.