Recent content by Kie

  1. Kie

    Poll: what is the best fast food restaraunt

    Nobody does chicken like KFC! I was going to say Yo-Yos(Thank the Gods for bringing us Yo-Yo's..Oh sweet delicious Yo-Yo buggers.) but they're not exactly fast so yeah definitely KFC.
  2. Kie

    Poll: Red Or Blue?

    Blue for me because someone has to fight against the Red Comet.
  3. Kie

    Why Are Stoners Typically Depicted as Stupid?

    Wow I just checked out the above the influence campaign and my god you were right. They basically try and make sober people out to be better but the worst part is the reasons why are usually wrong. The best one being: I mean I've met stoned people...
  4. Kie

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Sitting in my room debating what to play/download and talking to some friends on MSN, envy my life!
  5. Kie

    The Future

    Sadly when I think of the future the only possible outcome I can see is nuclear war at worst or non-nuclear wars at best. I'd like to be optimistic and say we'd get renewable energy and that science will manage to sort everything out but I find it very unlikely since we're greedy resource...
  6. Kie

    Poll: Galactic Republic or Sith Empire?

    Going to have to pick a neutral Sith. You know, kill people and dominate people, enslaving millions and potentially being a dictator. On the otherhand I'll do this while saving countless kittens from trees and giving money to orphanages and kitty orphanages to neutralize the evil.
  7. Kie

    Real lightsaber hits UK stores

    I am actually worried about this, I mean we already have people knifing each other in Britain but now we're giving them LIGHTSABERS? PERMANETLY BLINDS AND GIVES CANCER NOT TO MENTION BURNS THROUGH SKIN! The way I see it I really don't want to leave for College anymore. It will only take one...
  8. Kie

    if you could only have sex once in your life, where would you do it???

    While jumping out a plan..Oh...Oh. Well damn it, guess I'll have to improvise and go with in a tree house. Awesome points granted if it's falling apart while doing it \o/
  9. Kie

    Ever Cheer For the Bad Guy?

    Gonna jump in here and say how exactly is killing an entire planet with perhaps some symphasiers for the rebellion (We don't know to what extent, they could of been smuggling weapons for them in which case you can symphaise with the Empire more) justified because it's an act of intimidation...
  10. Kie

    You're going to jail - one item with you

    Oh god I saw this and I lol'd hard. I agree with this guy, I want one of those. Forget using it to escape I'd take over the god damn prison with that shovel.
  11. Kie

    How much is a year of your life worth?

    Well if it's just a year off my later years when I'm already past 70 or 80 then hell anything up from £500,000. I'll already be dead bored and hating life at that age anyway so might as well live it good in my younger years.
  12. Kie

    Pakistan Bans Facebook Over "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day"

    This, this and this. Although I'm not a religious believer and am atheist I still believe that while this protest is going under the name of "Expressing freedom of speech", and some may very well believe this, a majority of it seems to me to be just simple trolling and trying to provoke a...
  13. Kie

    Well I'm not sleeping tonight, thanks.

    Haha oh god I exactly know what you mean. I watched the Blink episode and went to bed and kept going "..I'll just open my eyes quickly to see if anything is there. Whew..Nothing." Everytime somebody went to the toilet I suddenly felt shivers up my back and kept my eyes on the door. In the end I...
  14. Kie

    "I am a Pro Gamer!! I _____!"

    I'm a pro-gamer. I can fail at Touhou games.
  15. Kie

    I work, you jerk.

    I'll admit I lack a job right now even though I'm seventeen but I at least have some experience with hard work. When I go up in summer to my grandparents they have me do physical work for their gardens and hire me out to friends in their village (They live in the country in Scotland, lovely wee...