Recent content by KikBlava

  1. K

    Zero Punctuation: Metroid Prime Federation Force

    Moviebob reference I think? Although he hates Nintendo now when footage of the new Paper Mario game made a reference to the watergate scandal and he mistook it as a gamergate reference. XD But Yahtzee, don't you dare call Prime 2 shit. It had it's moments of greatness too, not as much as...
  2. K

    Zero Punctuation: I Am Setsuna

    As soon as he said I am Setsuna was inspired by Chrono Trigger, I wanted to bounce about with nostalgic joy until he said it only took the combat and party mechanics. What a bummer. It does sound like a knock off of Tales of Symphonia too like everyone else is saying. So you know what I'll just...
  3. K

    Moviebob's Text Review of Batman v Superman and oh boy he is ANGRY!!!

    Ah good old MovieBob, still fuming like an angry fanboy? I only got as far as the second paragraph because I want to leave what few spoilers are left unspoiled but, here's one line that drew my attention. "BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE ? a malignant, puss-bleeding cancer on the ass of...
  4. K

    Zero Punctuation: MadWorld

    Great review Yahtzee! Now as much as I like Madworld, I HAVE to agree that it is repetitive. Two hours in, and I stopped at the dungeon level. Also I HATE it when the wii remote doesn't respond at times. Everytime I execute a horizontal attack, I execute a vertical attack. Just tedious to...