Recent content by kmyalxe11

  1. kmyalxe11

    Poll: What is your favorite gamecube game?

    I liked Fire Emblem Path of Radiance the most.
  2. kmyalxe11

    so its 5am, why are you up at this time?

    You have the best idea ever! Or the fact that it is 1:20am (where I live) is corrupting my brain. :P
  3. kmyalxe11

    Misconceptions you hate!

    Only four months of winter? That sounds pretty nice compared to the 6-8 months that occur where I live.
  4. kmyalxe11

    Stupidest Reason Why You've Gotten Into Trouble In School.

    I remember one time I got in trouble for doing my homework during free time I had in school. And my brother got in trouble with a teacher for being quiet, not when the teacher asked a question or anything, just quiet in general.
  5. kmyalxe11

    Poll: Your Favourite Greek God?

    I would like to vote for Hermes. Quite an amusing one that prankster is.
  6. kmyalxe11

    What is your greatest fear?

    I'm not sure if I have a greatest fear, but, one time my Psychology prof. mentioned a survey. Apparently the number one ranked fear in North America would be talking in front of a group of people. Fear of death came in second.
  7. kmyalxe11

    What's with the shield against criticism Nintendo gets?

    And all the Halo games were vastly different /sarcasm All of the consoles copy things from other games they designed. Nintendo isn't any worse for it.
  8. kmyalxe11

    Question of the Day, December 7, 2010

    Johnathon Coulton or George Takei. Coulton has great musical skills and is most famous for Still Alive. George Takei, best known for his role as Sulu in Star Trek, has a really awesome voice.