Recent content by Kunzer

  1. Kunzer

    Capcom Wants to Cut Ties With The West, Increase DLC

    I agree with your words. They accurately reflect my sentiments on quite a few levels as a gamer.
  2. Kunzer

    Jimquisition: Emotions, Polygons, and Ellen Page

    Best Jim Sterling video imo. My sides hurt from laughing!
  3. Kunzer

    What makes the Empire in Star Wars evil?

    Thrilled to see this thread! I should start by saying that i sympathize with the Empire. I took my own view of the plot throughout the movies, and, in a nutshell, I feel that the moralities in the story are not so cut-and-dry as the movies portray them to be. (Read: Empire not 100% evil...
  4. Kunzer

    Poll: Are you tired of Day One Patches

    I love patches and/or game updates. Then again, I am a PC gamer, and that may skew my perspective on things.
  5. Kunzer

    Poll: Homeopathy

    This was absolutely hilarious, and I thank you very much for sharing it. Stand-up comedy really is a wonderful and humorous way to tackle issues like these.
  6. Kunzer

    Internet Petition Brings Aliens: Colonial Marines Female Jarheads

    Oh this is so awesome. Gearbox FTW, internet petitioners FTW. I'm also thrilled that my girlfriend will be able to represent herself in the game as a female!
  7. Kunzer

    Virtual Voyeur Outs Himself on Star Trek Online Forum

    I agree with this entirely, and would also like to add that anyone becoming upset about someone looking at their characters' private parts needs to re-evaluate their priorities.
  8. Kunzer

    Blizzard Unveils Diablo III "Paragon System"

    I played diablo 3 for over 12 hours just now. Absolutely amazing patch was (1.0.4) released today. It was my personal elysium of gaming.
  9. Kunzer

    The Great Resident Evil 2 Coverup

    Articles like this are the reason I browse The Escapist. Not only was this article engaging and thought provoking, it also made me look at a very prized video game of my past in a completely different way. Awesome read. I think I might fire up RE:2 again.
  10. Kunzer

    Evolution is real. Its a real thing that really does happen and did happen. Gah!

    My response to the OP is this: People who cling to old views and refuse to open their mind to the possibilities of other truths simply arent worth the stress. They will die soon, and with them, their narrow views.
  11. Kunzer

    Poll: Jim sterling VS Extra credits

    I enjoyed EC when they were here on the escapist. I've come to realize, though, that they are highly idealistic; Jim tends to be far more realistic. I haven't watched a single episode since they left The Escapist, therefore I posit that I never found them terribly compelling in the first...
  12. Kunzer

    Warhammer 40k Space Marine

    I was thoroughly disappointed with Space Marine. The single-player game was "cool" and "shiny" with good graphics. The controls worked just fine and whatever... The reality is that the game is insanely shallow. The game is pretty much linear and there is nothing that adds any depth at all...
  13. Kunzer

    Are mainstream devs deliberately discouraging women from gaming?

    As a man with a gamer girlfriend, I want to say that women are gamers too. They deserve representation in gaming, in character selection, etc.
  14. Kunzer

    Gamer Fired for taking "Pokemon Breaks."

    I have indeed seen this situation unfold before in my own life, what with other employees getting breaks to smoke for 5 minutes every hour. My stance on this issue is quite simple: I'm okay with not having the breaks for the small price of "not killing myself with cigarettes".
  15. Kunzer

    The Big Picture: Mutants and Masses

    I liked what MovieBob said regarding life in general. If your greatest source of stress is the Mass Effect 3 ending, you're probably doing pretty well in life. Truth.