Recent content by Lavi

  1. Lavi

    Do you think you're 'Normal'?

    Nope, lesbian through and through in that I have NEVER wanted to have sex with a dude. Ever. Gender, on the other hand, well, I'd rather it just not be around.
  2. Lavi

    Skyward Sword

    So... Skyward sword is to Zelda franchise as eight Triforce pieces fetching is to Wind Waker.
  3. Lavi

    Richard Dawkins.

    Brilliant scientist. Needs to stay out of religion. As a religious studies major, it is painful to see Christianity, Islam, and Judaism shoved into... well, Christianity. His arguments are poor philosophically as expected, and I honestly shouldn't need to tell anyone why philosophy is the best...
  4. Lavi

    Academic Dishonesty (Cheating)

    Choice A: This isn't high school. Lots of Universities don't give the professors discretion and they shouldn't.
  5. Lavi

    How do you think your parents would react if they went through your internet browsing history?

    Dad would probably troll about me being leftist. Most confusing thing would be the Ponies and anime.
  6. Lavi

    Women: Do you consider yourself superior to men?

    With all the stupidity on that feminism thread, I feel superior to quite a few men right now >.> They COULD learn about feminism, or they could just spout stupid rhetoric. If I heard 99% of that thread in University, I'd wonder how you didn't fail. And any female character saying that is not...
  7. Lavi

    Poll: Are you religious?

    OH FOR THE LOVE OF G-D! Dear poll, agnosticism has nothing to do with religious identification. *Runs for cover away from thread* Nah, in all seriousness, it's not like these threads are ever anything positive.
  8. Lavi

    Poll: If God had a nationality, what would it be?

    Since you capitalized the word, 'god', I assume you are talking about Hashem. Since we are all obviously aware that Hashem has no corporal form and therefore the question is completely ridiculous, I will answer with the obvious hypothetical answer of Israeli.
  9. Lavi

    Muted on xbox. Can't talk to anyone anymore. Got me depressed.

    Most Unis can help you get a therapist or have one at the campus. Your parents don't have to know and the therapist is basically unallowed to contact them unless you agree to it. Since you are an adult, it ain't their damn business, though this probably should be their business (depending on...
  10. Lavi

    Poll: Which Harry Potter death affected you most? [SPOILERS FOR ALL 7 BOOKS/MOVIES]

    Snape, oh gawd, I cried like mad. He is like, ma homie now.
  11. Lavi

    The last song you listened to will now be played at your funeral.

    Hells yeah. Could be better, but badass nonetheless.
  12. Lavi

    11-Yr-Old Girl Saves Baby Bird From Cat, Mom Gets $535 Fine

    Some neighbour probably bitched to the officials and completely bullshitted the story to sound like something else. Then they challenged it and the officials were like ><
  13. Lavi

    Zero Punctuation: what games do you want to see reviewed??

    Catherine. He better like his puzzle games ;P
  14. Lavi

    Sexuality; Double Standards

    Because men have historically been allowed to explore their sexuality all they damn-well please. Women, on the other hand, were told how to act and punished if they did something outside very specific parameters. It's just leveling the playing field.