Recent content by LollzRoyce42

  1. LollzRoyce42

    Favorite cast of characters

    My vote goes hands down to the villains of Bioshock. The characters were all so fascinating. It was so interesting to listen to their characters, their ideas about art and science, their philsophies, and visions for the future, they all had such weird and fascinating concepts and they all...
  2. LollzRoyce42

    Near future science fiction.

    I'm going to bend the rules a little bit since this isn't near future, but I'll just leave this here... Seriously, this entire series is a blast to read, a fantastic space opera, and one of the best literary...
  3. LollzRoyce42

    Your favourite gaming related videos? Post 'em son!

    HOOEE, I do love me some good 'ol fashioned Quake 3; this particular video is one of the best examples of the insane Quake skills of yore. And to balance out that serious commentary, this:
  4. LollzRoyce42

    What games have you given up on due to difficulty?

    Silver Surfer for NES. ... Never again.
  5. LollzRoyce42

    Fandoms you dislike, of things you like.

    I think that even the guy who runs that site (Odin) resents its current inhabitants.
  6. LollzRoyce42

    Fandoms you dislike, of things you like.

    Seriously? Then you might not have heard of NMA (No Mutants Allowed). If you have, disregard that last statement. I once went on there to download the restoration patch and a few other things for Fallout 2. And once I got sidetracked it was like... OH DEAR GOD THE BILE. EVERYONE'S SPEWING...
  7. LollzRoyce42

    Fandoms you dislike, of things you like.

    Wow, I'm surprised no-one has said this yet, but... Motherfucking Classic Fallout fans. They just absolutely shun with an intense hatred, anything that is not the original game. A good portion of them don't even like Fallout 2, even though the games both look and act the same! Why? Because...
  8. LollzRoyce42

    Books you finished and just thought: "Well...that was shit"

    Out of the Dark by David Weber. Picked it up at a Books-A-Million because the premise was interesting and the first chapter was good. But an otherwise quite good book is absolutely ruined when the author decides to bullshit the ending with goddamn VAMPIRES. In an apocalyptic sci-fi novel of all...
  9. LollzRoyce42

    Did any games ever give you nightmares

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. An emission had just started to blow in, and I was already losing health, so I ducked into this low building with radio antennae on the roof(for the life of me, I can't remember the name of the place). I was still losing health, so I jumped down into the basement...
  10. LollzRoyce42

    The first album you bought?

    Daft Punk's "Alive 1997". If that doesn't count as an 'album' per se, then I would say Led Zeppelin I.
  11. LollzRoyce42

    Bioware, are you taking the piss?

    You guys DO realize that your rage here will accomplish nothing, right? BioWare said that this is the end for Shepard, but not the franchise, and when they make Mass Effect: Revengence 33 1/3, most of you will probably buy it, and then post again that THAT will be your last purchase from them...