Recent content by Lukeman1884

  1. Lukeman1884

    Skyrim. R.I.P. Companions.

    RIP Lydia. I thought you would actually be able to pull your weight in a fight. I thought wrong. Seriously, at least the non-essential companions in Fallout 3 could actually take a few hits without dying,
  2. Lukeman1884

    Whats your favourite line from any game EVER?

    Some of the quotes from the OWB DLC for fallout NV are hilarious: "The Uncanny Valley Research Center has been canceled until further notice. That is, until somebody notices it." "Now it's holding up an array of fully erect hand penises. If it tries to insert them, activate vivisectors."...
  3. Lukeman1884

    What is that gaming tactic/cheap move that you admit/avoid doing?

    Using the infinite caps glitch in F3, using the dupe glitch in Oblivion.
  4. Lukeman1884

    Confession time: Games you are ashamed to have played.

    ^This. And Queen's gate: Spiral Chaos. Go on, youtube it.
  5. Lukeman1884

    Draw a game in paint

  6. Lukeman1884

    Your worst loading times.

    I assume this is on PC? The worst it gets on my 360 is about a minute, and that's after playing for 6 hours straight without an external cooling fan.
  7. Lukeman1884

    billionaire creating rapture

    Someone should give him a copy of Bioshock. We all remember what happened to Rapture, right? Right
  8. Lukeman1884

    Worst. Weapon. Ever.

  9. Lukeman1884

    Poll: Is Diablo 3's no offline play feature really a dealbreaker?

    I wouldn't call it a dealbreaker, but it's still quite stupid. I carry my laptop around with me when I go places so I can play games if I get bored, and not everywhere has a free public wireless network
  10. Lukeman1884

    Poll: Why weapons should be sold as microtransactions/DLC.

    Using my experiences with various "free-to-play" MMOs as reference, allowing someone to pay money to be straight up better/stronger than someone who doesn't is NOT a good idea. I agree with what the above poster says, you can pay for convenience, not the ability to just outclass people who don't.
  11. Lukeman1884

    Poll: Have you Given Up On Half-Life 2: Episode Three (Half-Life 3)?

    I hope it's not another DNF fiasco
  12. Lukeman1884

    Concerning Final Fantasy 7, 10, and 12.

    I liked X and XII, people are simply resistant to change.
  13. Lukeman1884

    I like Navi

    Fallout 3 was better than New Vegas in pretty much everything apart from the gameplay mechanics themselves. And F3's locations were actually worth visiting, not like NV's endless barrage of copy-pasted shacks and buildings you can't even go into.
  14. Lukeman1884

    Old World Blues - New Vegas DLC

    I've got a guns-centric character, an energy weps character, and an unarmed/melee weaps character. Which would you guys recommend I run through this DLC with first?
  15. Lukeman1884

    Best Video Game Openings

    The opening cutscene of FF Dissidia, with all the warriors fighting. I'd hoped 012 would've had something awesome as well, but it just re-used most of it.