Recent content by Madgamer13

  1. M

    Egosoft Boss: X Rebirth "Reboot" Sheds Limitations of Legacy

    I'm an X series fan, came in with X3:reunion. Something I always wanted was an actual engaging storyline, which I sort of half had with Reunion, then completely lost with Terran Conflict. I hope the story in rebirth will be more engaging, but I do know that Egosoft seem to have an easier time...
  2. M

    Teaching Kids to be Dumb Adults

    Whoah, there is a hell of a lot of posturing in this thread. Trying to prove how superior your developed capacity for abstract thinking is compared to children, and how woefully underprepared teachers and substitutes are to handle the incredibly difficult task of teaching children how to...
  3. M

    XCOM Expansion to Allow Save-scumming

    Save scumming? Nah, I play on IRON BALLS mode. I force my team to stay at four people and only enhance one trooper with magic skillz when the plot actually calls for it. Nobody can beat the giant set of digital testicles I have as I play on IRON BALLS mode, in fact, they're so big that even...
  4. M

    Bikers attack a SUV on a NYC highway

    I suppose it is simple really, the bike that bumped the SUV initially shouldn't have done so, the mob of bikes shouldn't have stopped the SUV, the mob shouldn't have attempted to damage the SUV, the SUV shouldn't have ran over the bikers and the bikers shouldn't have chased the SUV. It is...
  5. M

    Rome 2, Total War. Has it been fixed?

    When I played Rome 2 initially, before all the patches, I played in an aggressive manner without occupation. This let me see quite a lot of behaviour of the AI on the British Isles. I've been playing as the Iceni with every game and I noticed that AI builds up damn quickly in the first few...
  6. M


    28 years old here, I've kissed a few times but it has never amounted to anything. I never even felt anything when kissing, although the circumstances were always oppressive. I've never actually had sex, which for various reasons was a very good thing when taking the circumstances of my past...
  7. M

    Anti-gun control people, where would you draw the line?

    I fully support making it easier for organised crime to get weaponry. All countries in the world should abolish gun laws and let the chaos commence. Blood for the blood god.
  8. M

    Poll: Women In Combat? Yea or Nay?

    I don't see a problem at all with female combat personnel, I see a problem with Male combatant's instinctive reactions to female combat personnel. Maybe, instead of focusing on a female's combat ability, military topics should focus on unit effectiveness and the benefits of certain attaché...
  9. M

    Can binge drinking damage the brain?

    I understand that binge drinking threatens your liver far more than your brain, especially since overloading yourself on what actually effects the brain is more likely to form receptors demanding more. Definitely, your liver gets a harder time of it, even to the point of rupturing. Rupture...
  10. M

    Hacker Demonstrates Facebook Exploit On Mark Zuckerberg's Wall

    Out of all of those who have responded to my comment, yours is by far the best. You've explained the importance of the security of Facebook, which holds lots and lots of sensitive information, as well as the grace of this hacker exposing something that needs to be fixed as soon as possible...
  11. M

    Hacker Demonstrates Facebook Exploit On Mark Zuckerberg's Wall

    Whoah, this thread is full of Facebook hate. If someone reported an exploit inside a system of mine without any details to reproduce the exploit, then proceeded to use the exploit to abuse the system, in order to get their very valid point across, I'd be quite angry. But then, this is...
  12. M

    "Medicine" in America

    EMT operators seeking a subscription to their emergency service? Surely that goes against- Oh wait, we're talking about American Healthcare? Well, you'll just have to get used to dying slowly in hospital because you cannot pay for your life saving operation. Just be glad that they didn't do...
  13. M

    Gold Farmer Sells Virtual Gold to Buy Real Gold, Has it Stolen

    I find this highly amusing. Farming that much WoW gold to change into real gold would take a lot of time and a lot of bots most likely. While it may be legal in Australia to break the terms of use of a software package, which appears to have legal weight in other countries and nations, the...
  14. M

    So why is it offensive to consider homosexuality as a choice?

    'Nonsensical' is being used a lot in this thread, which is rather sad. How about we come from this alternate angle? The problem is not to do with Homosexuality, it's existence as a sexual preference and predisposition or whether such preferences can be considered a choice. The real problem...
  15. M

    Petition to Free Jailed League of Legends Player Reaches 100,000 Sigs

    Unfortunately, no amount of signatures are going to help this man get out of jail. The American justice system has him and they need to process him. When he is released, hopefully he'll learn that he cannot just say what he wants within the land of the free.