Recent content by meone007

  1. meone007

    You Now Have To Eat The Last Thing You Killed In a Videogame

    I have to eat a Vile Archer from Diablo 2? but it has Vile right in the name!! :(
  2. meone007

    Poll: Diablo 3: Will you buy it?

    Ok, two points. First, the no offline support is just a different take on DRM that I honestly think is more palatable. Instead of saying it can only be installed on X computers, you can play on infinite computers, fully transfer all characters, at the cost of signing in with your user name...
  3. meone007

    San Francisco considering banning circumcision Whatever you want to say, just do research. OMG it is mutilation or OMG my rights doesn't get us anywhere
  4. meone007

    Unpopular opinions?

    I believe that women's rights is directly related to the divorce rate due to competition in the family. Gaming-wise: Halo killed the true FPS, and we have been playing the baby's version ever since.
  5. meone007

    Should I get starcraft 2?

    If you liked C&C, especially the old ones, then you need to at least try SC2. The balance is perfect, the single player gives a good introduction, and most importantly, the online matching system pits noobs against noobs. I have only made it to the silver leager, but I must say how even...
  6. meone007

    Poll: You just found $600

    huh, no option for "pay off credit card debt" or "make car payment", so I guess I'd have to say giant tv, or to actually choose from the list, XBox 360 and a few MTG cards I need to finish my deck. Why? I already have a kick ass computer, and anything I would want on PS3 is also on XBox for...
  7. meone007

    Zombie Survival MMO?

    this isn't completely true. What if there are no extraction points? Instead, you have to find food and water, a safe shelter, loot for ammo or melee weapons. Perhaps a mechanic that gives you a time limit after being bit to make it to an antidote, produced at some lab over run by zombies...
  8. meone007

    D&D and MTG: a social dilemma

    huh. I don't consider myself ugly or fat. But thank you for your titilating input
  9. meone007

    D&D and MTG: a social dilemma

    this has all really proven my point though, it seems that in everyone's mind there is something socially off limits from what they are into, which is "too nerdy". if your detached from video games, you see that as nerdy. If you play those, tabletop gameing is nerdy. if you play those, Live...
  10. meone007

    D&D and MTG: a social dilemma

    Sadly, you will have to explain what LARP and Lovecraft are...
  11. meone007

    D&D and MTG: a social dilemma

    honestly I'll continue playing either way, but it raised an interesting question about how the social opinion of someone can change simply because they dabbled in a harmless card game. It shos a severe social stigma that I honestly didn't even knew existed - except with D&D, and I admit I have...
  12. meone007

    D&D and MTG: a social dilemma

    I recently became active in Magic the Gathering and it shocked my circle of friends. I go to parties on the weekend, get the girls, and am on the football team. I got hazed for being involved in quote "one of the two nerdiest games ever" the other he was referring to is D&D. My question is...
  13. meone007

    Time travel will never be possible.

    the only way I see it as possible is if a person could witness past and future, but not interact with it. that way nothing can be distorted. However, traveling into the future creates another conundrum, as in, if you witness the future, can it be changed? And if so, shouldn't those changes be...
  14. meone007

    You Know You Have a WoW Addiction When...

    As would I (kick your ass, I've never been into any game that could do that).
  15. meone007

    Variations on the Boring Ol' Zombie Apocalypse

    The only way any of that would even come close to being socially accepted is if it had a choice of both scenarios, ie it wouldn't be totally sexist. Also instead of the kiddie survivors, what about everyone over fifty? unfortunately that would leave you open to be gummed to death by a horde of...