Recent content by michael_ab

  1. michael_ab

    You just got stabbed...

    fuck death i take the knife and stab him till my eyes go dark, and keep going till i cant feel my arms.
  2. michael_ab

    Is this racist, does my teacher have a right to punish me for this?

    ok everyone is going on about what you said... but i gotta ask... what the hell gave the teacher the right to ask your sexual preference IN A GRADED ASSIGNMENT??? it is true that a teacher can ask that, but you retain the right to say "its none of your business" and still retain a grade. also...
  3. michael_ab

    Why are YOU losing faith in humanity?

    here's a good reason
  4. michael_ab

    What would someone use as bait to trap you?

    assuming i was stupid enough to fall for a box on a stick or go in a pit... butterscotch candies, or the lifesavers butterrum, havent seen those for a long time interesting: more than 70% of these involve food that is easily obtained
  5. michael_ab

    Your Anger Towards Young Gamers

    my issue is that i view online games as a social medium, i use them to meet and discuss things with people i dont usually come across. but the games i play and talk about most (castle crashers, oblivion, fable 2 and 3, and borderlands as examples) always come off as needy, screechy, assholes...
  6. michael_ab

    Bethesda Explains What Playing Skyrim Will Be Like

    NO!!! NOT THE LOCKPICKING! i loved how i could pick any lock at any level, as long as i knew what i was doing, you couldnt do that in fallout, wether or not you could pick a lock was completly dependant on your lockpicking skill
  7. michael_ab

    Bethesda Explains What Playing Skyrim Will Be Like

    SNIP misclick sorry
  8. michael_ab

    Too scared to play online!

    wait hold on isnt that the whole point of prestiging? to seperate the gamers so it has tournament-esque tiers? why should anyone who hasent prestiged yet see ANYONE who has? make it into tourny teirs and all of those problems will be solved. you have enough players in each tier now to fill them...
  9. michael_ab

    Too scared to play online!

    i see your issue, and i agree, games need to have a better matchmaking system. every time i play halo reach online i am a warrant officer grade 3 on a team with ranks close to mine, against a team of mythics. this is unfair sorting and turns off any players who dont play it from day one. but...
  10. michael_ab

    How long do you sleep? (Average)

    i swing wildly between 5 and 13 hours of sleep
  11. michael_ab

    So , What is the last game you finished , and what are you playing now?

    just finished alice madness returns, jumping around between boarderlands, enslaved: odessey to the west, dungeon seige III and team fortress
  12. michael_ab

    Poll: I Will Give You £500 to NEVER Play Atari Again!!!

    its not like i do this every day, besides im sure skyrim will keep me distracted for the next decade, ill take the $800 sure EDIT ooh didnt think about this, if this is the case id def need to think on it longer
  13. michael_ab

    Favorite Monty Python Sketch

    those are also my favorites, but since you said them already ill list my next two: my hovercraft is full of eels, and the fish dance
  14. michael_ab

    Hacks: are they possible?

    so i have a question for hacks concerning a particular game, Pure, i have just played against someone whos actions were questionable, andi need evidence that these mods do exist. so modifying your parts to allow larger boost gain for tricks, also shorter respawn times after you crash
  15. michael_ab

    You can revive one famous person...

    richard harris, george lucas